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Hi all, I have just recently put a px engine in my Super 150. I bought the extra wiring kit from beedspeed and have wired it up, it's running well apart from rear light not working. I have changed the brake light switch as before both the rear light and brake light were on and when the switch was pressed the brake light went out. So changing the switch should have worked. There was a black wire running to switch before but beedspeed drawing said to tape it up. Has anyone had the same experience or can give me some input.. it will be appreciated.


Beedspeed drawing attached
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…I have changed the brake light switch as before both the rear light and brake light were on and when the switch was pressed the brake light went out. So changing the switch should have worked. …

When you say "changed the switch" did you mean that your got a new brake switch and put it in? If so, is a normally open switch (no continuity between terminals unless pressed)?

I would check the switch first.

Second, double check that the blue wire goes to the pin of the lamp socket and not the shell. You are now switching the hot wire, not the ground.

The drawing seems like it would work with right switch and properly executed.

Chris from CLE

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Have you checked your bulbs? May have fried one during set up. It's easy to do. Happened to me.
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FridayMatinee wrote:
Have you checked your bulbs? May have fried one during set up. It's easy to do. Happened to me.
I will check again, but bulb looks okay
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ChrisFromCLE wrote:
…I have changed the brake light switch as before both the rear light and brake light were on and when the switch was pressed the brake light went out. So changing the switch should have worked. …

When you say "changed the switch" did you mean that your got a new brake switch and put it in? If so, is a normally open switch (no continuity between terminals unless pressed)?

I would check the switch first.

Second, double check that the blue wire goes to the pin of the lamp socket and not the shell. You are now switching the hot wire, not the ground.

The drawing seems like it would work with right switch and properly executed.

Chris from CLE
I will have to check, I've not looked into the ground wire at end of rear light and where that goes too. I will have to take the tank off again.
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SuperAL150 wrote:
I will check again, but bulb looks okay
Check the bulb continuity with a meter or a battery. Sometimes you can's see the break in the filament.
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