Scarabeo 200ie
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Scarabeo 200ie
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Hi all. New scooter owner here. Bought a 2016 Scarabeo 200ie on the weekend. Everything checked out fine. Was riding yesterday and the Electronic Fuel Injection Check warning light came on. Booked it into mechanic. Rode to mechanics today, no warning light. They checked it out, said it was I. Immaculate condition, charged me $240 and sent me home. Ten minutes later same warning light came on and stayed on for the remainder of my road home.

Would really appreciate some advice as to what that light means and what I should do next?? TIA
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2018 LIBERTY 150S, 2013 Kymco LIKE200iLX
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@oldschooot avatar
2018 LIBERTY 150S, 2013 Kymco LIKE200iLX
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Do these flash a code?
I'd check the oil and the coolant, maybe the spark plug - things which can cause an overheat. Watch the gas mileage....
If all checks out good and it rides with no engine problems....- I'd ride it.
See what that light does over time.

Primavera 150
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Primavera 150
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If it has a standard OBD II port, save yourself some cash and buy a code reader. Bonus points, you can use it on your 4 wheel vehicles.

BTW. Photos?

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