My Triumph Rocket is down with a suspiciously low rear tire, and I'm just about flat out of rideable machines, so all this has added a measure of urgency to getting the valve clearances checked on my GTS300 so I might be able to ride it tomorrow during the predicted sunshine-y sixty-six predicted degree temperatures (F).
On went the front wheel chock for the lift table, then onto the table went the GTS, then under the GTS went one of my new scissors jacks.
I removed both lower rear shock bolts so that the engine could pivot upwards when the jack raises it.
I strapped down the front wheel to the chock and table, then, with Trixie adding some welcome stability to the bike, I applied some scissors jack therapy with a ratchet and up she went, dropping the rear wheel while pivoting the entire engine/drive train upwards to allow some workable access to the cylinder head area.
The bike is surprisingly stable as it sits, and I don't feel that further strapping will be necessary for this project, but I'm ready if it does.
I shall continue reporting my progress as it develops.
Remember, I am not a Vespa 'Tech', so this could go in all manner of unpredictable ways.
So far...