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Piaggio MP3 Yourban
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@wseobg avatar
Piaggio MP3 Yourban
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The thermometer does not work. It says minus 17 degrees, then -16, -15 and so on. Ideas?

Molto Verboso
2015 MP3 500 ie Business
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Molto Verboso
2015 MP3 500 ie Business
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Maybe heat from the radiator influencing the sensor???
@dariusz avatar

2007 MP3 250ie / 2022 MP3 500HPE SA
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2007 MP3 250ie / 2022 MP3 500HPE SA
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I assume it is the ambient temperature sensor, correct? +17 and after that change directly to -16 etc? for me sounds as the temp sensor is out and a new one solve this crazy readings

Molto Verboso
2015 MP3 500 ie Business
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Molto Verboso
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OP said -17, -16, -15, etc.

2016 Mp3 500ie Sport
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You guys use the thermometer on the Mp3 as a useful feature?

I suppose its reasonable to expect it should work reliably but I just always expect them to be off by about 10 degrees. I use my phone weather app for accurate weather and the rest is just "do I feel hot or cold".

I think its the "Piaggio Room Temperature Sensor". If the YourBan is anything like the 2016 Mp3 500 I have then the sensor is mounted under the handlebar plastic.

Parts Diagram for 2018 Yourban 300. Make sure to go through the catalog for your exact model-year and version to get the exact right part.

Link to the part "Piaggio Room Temperature Sensor".

Alternative brand and solution (check before buying)

Now if your talking about the thermostats and sensors for the engine, radiator, etc then thats a different story and it definitely should be reliable.

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2007 MP3 250ie / 2022 MP3 500HPE SA
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@dariusz avatar
2007 MP3 250ie / 2022 MP3 500HPE SA
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sbaert wrote:
OP said -17, -16, -15, etc.
You are right, if is not a very very cold day I think the temp sensor is out

And if it's a very cold day, it makes sense that the temperature will increase as the engine transfers some indirect heat to the sensor, right?

My ambient temp sensors in general are plus 3 to 5 C out, but I think is a problem about the place where are, is very easy that the hot from the road foul the sensor.

I use it some times only to say "is more hot that I feel" ha ha ha
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