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2018 LIBERTY 150S, 2013 Kymco LIKE200iLX
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We were in the path of a full eclipse here in this part of Ohio.
Thin clouds with some intermittent blue skies.
How spectacular was it?....we saw neighbors we haven't seen in a blue moon coming out of their houses to witness this!

We had about 2.5 mins of total eclipse.....with that amazing flaming corona quite visible to the naked eye (even if a simple digital camera or inexpensive cell phone couldn't do it justice)
Otherwise we were using the dark shades made for viewing an eclipse.
The moon started its work about 2PM and by @ 4PM it was past the sun.

It got pretty dark - but, not night dark, that corona kept us pretty well lit.
We did see the state park parking lots filling up around noon.
cool sky when the moon began to move across the sun
cool sky when the moon began to move across the sun
the sun is getting noticeably weaker
the sun is getting noticeably weaker
nearing full coverage...
nearing full coverage...
fired up the Liberty - again, here the corona is quite visible to the naked eye --- getting a round of applause from the neighborhood!
fired up the Liberty - again, here the corona is quite visible to the naked eye --- getting a round of applause from the neighborhood!
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This one was spectacular. I rode to Ozark, AR, and as soon as I got off the freeway, I headed for the nearest open field full of cars and people looking up. There weren't many clouds, so it was easy to see the moon moving across the sun, and then the darkness and ring. I saw the last one in Charleston, and what I learned from that is that if you are in a city where the lights are on sensors, they come on as soon as it gets dark, so you don't get the full eclipse experience.

Molto Verboso
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Nice pictures! We ( at work) got a way lesser, but still kinda cool, experience here in Virginia Beach. We shared the eclipse glasses!
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That is so cool that you shared the pictures. I loved it! I watched it on and off from my house, my wife purchased 5 set of goggles. I am in Arizona so I think we only got 60%. I set a Timelapse on my GoPro and came outside at least 10 times to check the progress. I snapped some pictures with my phone lens behind the goggles.
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We drove up to wine country near lake Erie. It got midnight black for a few minutes. Got cold quickly too. Saw lots of wine "enthusiasts" looking right at it with regular prescription glasses or none at all - just as I predicted. We didn't look at it. No need to take a chance. Was a really fun experience. The roads were crazy packed as were all the wineries that were open. A great shot in the arm for the local economy. Good all around.

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BVBob wrote:
It got midnight black for a few minutes. Got cold quickly too.
We only experienced a partial here, but we saw a full eclipse within a few miles of our home in 2017. I was also startled by how quickly the air began to feel cold. I'm not sure how the chilling occurs that fast.
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Over cast and rain in Minnesota. Not much to see at all. Enjoyed all your photo contributions and stories. It really is insane the number of folks who travel to see the eclipse.

On a normal night, there is so much artificial light distortion in the metro area, you really can not even see stars. Must go out in the country.

Bob Copeland
Warming up here in Minnesota - first group ride this Saturday
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Big day in CLE - first the eclipse then the baseball home opener. CLE was in dead center of the totality. We took it in on the Lorain-Carnegie bridge looking west back to the Ohio City neighborhood. In the photo below, you can see the corona (as best as I could take with my iPhone) and the Guardians of Transportation statues.

The photo also caught the 360 sunset which was extremely cool.

This was a huge check off of my bucket list.

Chris from CLE
Tomorrow may rain so, I'll follow the sun.
Tomorrow may rain so, I'll follow the sun.
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I traveled 350 miles to Clarksville AR.

Perfect weather. Great viewing.

Great times.
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