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It is a 1970 Super 150. Question is how does this spring that does not look like a spring go on the throttle tube?
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Slide on at #1

Move down to #2

If right side up, it won't stick out past the end of the headset.
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the intent of that "spring" is more like cruse control. it helps to hold the throttle in the position you set it to.

I normally remove it.
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I'm with oops.

The correct position for that spring is in the dumpster.

Super 150
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Thank you all for the replies. I was wanting a snappy throttle so I probably will not install it.

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That spring comes quite handy at the ubiquitous gymkhana competition held at most scooter rallies. Once the cruise control is set, you can remove you right hand from the handlebar to it's now free to do whatever. It's much easier than trying to work the the right hand throttle with your crossed over left hand.... or am i the only person who thinks about stuff like that?
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Never had an issue working the throttle with the left hand, but there is a part of me that loves the set it and leave it feature. It works well as long as it's well greased. if it dries out then it can get really hard to close the throttle.

From a modern safety perspective I leave it out. from a ride around without a helmet and a passenger riding sidesaddle perspective I like the nostalgia.
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Bikesbybaker wrote:
Thank you all for the replies. I was wanting a snappy throttle so I probably will not install it.
You will never get a snappy throttle with that thing installed.
Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure that was added in the early 60's so riders without turn signals could use their right arm to signal.
To appease European regulators? Idk

More fun without it.
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