Beverly ST350
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Beverly ST350
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Hi Everyone,

I have a 350 which is 10 years old, but new to me 8 months ago.

A couple of days ago the ASR and ABS lights have come on and won't turn off.

24 hours later it started to run really poorly for the 1st 5- 10 minutes until it has warmed up.

Our local garage is great, but expensive, so any tips would help me a lot.

The problems may not be related, initially I thinking check the brake fluid levels and possibly replace the battery - any guidance is appreciated.
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BV400, Primavera 150, Yamaha Zuma 125
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I would start with testing the battery. It may not be the case here, but low battery voltage can cause wonky behavior in the electronics.

Beverly ST350
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Beverly ST350
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Great, thank you, its a process of elimination!
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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@fledermaus avatar
2007 LX150 2015 GTS (running like a charm!) 2017 BV 350
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What are your battery readings on the display?

Any maintenance history?
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