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86 T5, 71 Rally 180
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86 T5, 71 Rally 180
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1971 Rally 180, I had the motor out and everything looked good. I replaced the bearings and seals, but that was it.
It's all back together now, but I'm getting very weak spark and not sure why. The wiring was a bit dodgy when I got it, the previous owner had installed a kill switch that I removed. The rest of the wiring looks pretty good, so I used a diagram from scooterhelp and tried to put it all back to stock.
Tomorrow I'll check the timing, (no slot in the flywheel), would bad timing cause weak spark?
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Spark plug, cap, wire, coil, stator - work backwards until you find problem.
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1965 VBB2
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1965 VBB2
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Perhaps a long shot, but I had a hard time determining the + and - on the coil. Not sure if your Rally is similar to my VBB.
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86 T5, 71 Rally 180
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@vpfalcon avatar
86 T5, 71 Rally 180
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Tried a new plug, swapped out the coil, no spark at all now, so I replaced and gapped the points on the stator and I got spark!
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