It reads full whenever the key is on. It was intermittent for a while but now it's all the time. Luckily the low fuel light still works.
I suppose the first thing I'll try is to open up the headset and wiggle the electrical connection.
I've already changed the instrument cluster once because of a bad speedometer and I still have it so I can plug that one in and see if that works.
Parts are getting harder to find. eBay has a cluster for $230. Ouch. You can't just swap the fuel gauge. It's all encased in plastic and glued together.
If it's not in or around the cluster I'll have to look at the sending unit. Does anyone know if it's as hard to change a sending unit/fuel pump on a GT as it is on a GTS?
In the mean time I'm watching for that low fuel light and carrying an extra gallon of gas. If it had a trip odometer I could use that but it doesn't. I think I'm going to get a dry erase marker and write down the mileage on the headset when I fill up. I can imagine complications with that.
Any other ideas? Has anyone else had this problem?