gts300 2022
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gts300 2022
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Hi, I have a 2022 300 GTS vespa. Every winter, I store the Vespa.
I take the battery out, fill the gas thank, put some additive in the gas, and store it in a non heated garage.
This spring, when I pull the Vespa back from the storage, I had a very difficult time to get it started. I had to restart the engine several time before I got it going. And the problem has persisted since. I often have to restart several time before I finally get the engine to run.
Had the battery tested twice and been told it is as good as a new.
Took the vespa to a dealer who found nothing wrong.
Never had this issue the two first year.
Somebody has an idea?
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Molto Verboso
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@wbdvt avatar
'16 Sprint S 150, 2 x '06 GTS 250, '12 GTS 300, '74 Vespa 150 Super
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I would pull the fuel injector and look at the spray pattern. Might be clogged.

here's a scooterwest video


gts300 2022
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gts300 2022
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Thank you very much for your reply. Looked at the scooter west video and it adresses exactly what seems to be the problem with starting the Vespa after a few months of storage.
I will contact a dealer to get the injector cleaned up since I'm not comfortable to do it myself.
Again, thank you very much.
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Molto Verboso
'16 Sprint S 150, 2 x '06 GTS 250, '12 GTS 300, '74 Vespa 150 Super
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@wbdvt avatar
'16 Sprint S 150, 2 x '06 GTS 250, '12 GTS 300, '74 Vespa 150 Super
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Fuel injectors are relatively inexpensive and easy to replace. DIY and less than 30 min back in business as will be costly to have dealer do it
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