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The moment has come where I have noticed the first scratch on my Vespa. Pleare see the image for more details.

It seems to be very superficial. If I get that area wet the scratch itself disappears and if I touch it I do not feel any depth in it.

What would be the best way to remove it, considering I am no expert in painting repairs? The color is G03
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I normally go over that sort of scratch with a little Brasso. Scratch usually disappears, or at least becomes much less noticeable.

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Is there a way to verify before starting to work on it that the scratch would go away?
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vncz wrote:
Is there a way to verify before starting to work on it that the scratch would go away?
If you still see the color of the scooter at the bottom of the scratch, it should go away. Or at least be shined up.

If you see either a whitish/greyish sort of pigment beneath the color, or steel, the scratch is too deep to polish out.

Beyond that, you can only try. There is no harm in trying to polish it out, just use a clean rag of something like cotton (t-shirt material, not denim) or microfiber, so you don't make more scratches....

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Does it help in anyway by saying that if I go around with my fingernail I can feel it, but very barely?
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vncz wrote:
Does it help in anyway by saying that if I go around with my fingernail I can feel it, but very barely?
That's a good sign.

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I will then go ahead and see what happens. Thank you very much for the tip, I will report back once I am done with the work

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Would meguire's scratch x also work?
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Looks to me like the scratch is in the clear coat and not the paint. Scratches in clear cost are difficult to remove without a good polishing and buffing. Good luck and don't use anything too abrasive.

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Is there a way to verify whether it's the clear coat or not?
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Use the least abrasive stuff first. Maybe even a pure wax to see if it works. Go VERY light with the pressure of your hand. Use very soft non abrasive towels. Take your time. By looking at it in the picture I also think it will disappear. Use a good wax when done to seal it up.


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There are countless branded products at various auto parts, variety, and discount stores. Everyone has their favorite. I'd suggest you start with basic polishing compound (not rubbing compound which is more abrasive). It is widely available in many brands, usually in a similar metal tin or plastic containor.
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I use a Meguiar's product but it's not the Scratch X. I can't remember the exact name. I used to use Mother's brand. They both were liquid polish. Both were/are very good. That scratch looks pretty light so something mild should work.

Good luck.


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Any chance you were referring to Meguiar's Ultimate Compound Color & Clarity Restorer? I have been suggested the Scratch X because it's gentle enough not to consume the coat
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vncz wrote:
Any chance you were referring to Meguiar's Ultimate Compound Color & Clarity Restorer? I have been suggested the Scratch X because it's gentle enough not to consume the coat
I think that's what I have. If Scratch X is more gentle that's what I'd use. I also have a can (paste) of Meguiar's Cleaner wax. It's pretty mild. I helped a neighbor with a black Subaru clean up a scratch a couple years ago. He bought a can of rubbing COMPOUND... Thankfully he didn't use it first! That stuff can and will go down to the primer in the hands of an amateur. Whatever you use go gently. Don't rush.


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If you want something mild, you already have it - it's called tooth paste.

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I've read about it but I am not too sure it's such a great idea and do not mind paying few bucks for better result
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vncz wrote:
I've read about it but I am not too sure it's such a great idea and do not mind paying few bucks for better result
Yep. Get a proper product. Two years ago my wife and I inherited my mother in laws dark blue car. FULL of scratches and "patina". I went at it with Meguiar's polish then waxed it with a really good wax- the be brand escapes me right now - and the result was unreal. It lasted a long time. It needs done again right now but still looks decent. The right product and a patient person creates a wonderful outcome.

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Ok I tried today - and wanted to give an update.

Overall I think the Scratch X did a very fine job. First of all I tried on an old car I have to make sure that it really does not break the clear coat or anything in general and I can confirm.

Then I cleaned up the specific area real good with water and made sure once again that by getting the area wet, the scratch would disappear.

I did not feel confident enough to use the drill with the pad (it was included in the box) to be honest, so I went with the microfiber cloth and this is the final result.

Yes, the scratch is still visible if you get on the correct angle, but overall it's almost invisible. Wondering if using the pad with the drill would make things even better!
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