This one is the P200 I picked up last night for $600.

The seller listed in the East Nashville local for sale group on Facebook and one of my club mates who lives a few blocks away saw it, shared the listing, and I contacted the guy before I even responded to my buddy.
I asked if I could come check it out and he said sure, come in an hour. I rolled over--ten minutes away--took a look and it was an obvious winner. Rattlecan respray on the cowls and horncast, but relatively nice paint and great condition on the frame.
Motor turned and it went through the gears no problem when I rolled it. Paid the man, we loaded it into the back of my wife's car, and I was back home a little more than half an hour after I left. No heroic road trip for me this time.
He'd had it for a while, but hadn't been able to get it running.
I pulled the head and the cylinder had clearly seen some things, but after I rubbed some 2t on the cylinder walls, the piston moved freely and had compression. Head back on and keep moving.

I took a look at the ignition and it had no spark. Took a closer look and determined that while the stator and CDI had been replaced and seem to be new, the CDI wires were connected backwards.

I fixed the wiring order and got a weak spark. Very weak. I got it to run on starter fluid, so I knew the potential was there. By that time, it was getting a little bit late, so I quickly threw my test tank onto the carb, but as soon as I opened the valve, fuel started spewing out of the spray bar. Float needle was obviously beyond toast.
I disconnected the fuel, but the flooding was done. I removed the plug, rotated the piston to BDC, and left it until morning.
First thing in the morning, because I didn't want to wait until after work, I replaced the float needle and polished the needle seat with a bamboo skewer in my power drill. Checked it and it was holding tight. Awesome.
Put it back together, but still had that super-weak spark, so I suspected the flywheel had probably lost magnetism. Threw a good flywheel (passed the "hang a 19mm wrench off it" test) on and when I tried to torque it down, realized that the threads on the crank were pretty much stripped off. I torqued it down as much as I could and gave it a kick.
Of course, the flywheel slipped on the crank when I tried to give it gas, so now I'm on hold until a new (to me) crank gets here, but since I was expecting to do a rebuild anyway, I'm not bothered.
When I cleaned the jets, I found it had a 120AC-BE4-109MJ in the main stack. I forget the idle. Someone was clearly trying to jet around that massive head leak.
It'll be interesting to see what else I find, but I have a bucket of spare and removed parts that seems to have all the headset electricals, plus some other bits PO bought replacements for, e.g the old stator & CDI, which I expect are probably just fine since the issue was the flywheel.
Looking at the cowls, I will not be surprised if the OG while paint is under the blue rattle can, either, because I can see it where the blue has chipped in a couple places around the edges.
All in all, I'm feeling pretty psyched to have picked this puppy up for such a bargain basement price and looking forward to seeing it properly back on the road.