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VW, BMW, GM, Volvo, Mercedes Benz, Audi, Ford, Stellantis and Porsche have all had to reign in EV production because no one is buying them in any real volume.

Only the Chinese have continued to crank them out with abandon.

Tesla are rare because they actually make money on selling cars and even that is in question as they make a fair degree on selling Carbon Credits to other Manufacturers.

I'm wondering where this is going to go.
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Bill Dog wrote:
I'm wondering where this is going to go.
It'll happen eventually. It's just the growing pains of progress. We've seen it happen before.

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Agricultural historian Bruce L. Gardner has charted the number of horses and tractors on farms in his book American Agriculture in the Twentieth Century. He conservatively estimates that one tractor would replace about five horses or mules during the early part of the century. The number of horses peaked at just over 25 million animals around 1920. About that same time, the number of tractors began rising and peaked at just under 5 million in the late 60s and 70s. The turning point – when the amount of tractor power overtook the amount of horse power on American farms – was 1945.
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Looks like we're at about 1930.
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Yes, but that happened organically. This is being imposed.

I think that the market should decide. You should be given the choice how your car is being powered.

I'll be watching with interest.
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Meanwhile the planet burns……… Facepalm emoticon
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Just Mother Nature taking care of herself.
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Does the neanderthal know any other way?
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