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Piaggio BV200
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Piaggio BV200
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I've read the old posts where people say they allow test rides with cash in hand.
How does that work? Does the seller hang onto the cash while the scooter is test ridden?
I might have to meet people in town to let them test ride. I live on a gravel lane and would worry about them falling on gravel.
I haven't been on my bv200 in years since I broke 5 ribs falling from a stepstool in my kitchen so I'm finally going to sell it.
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llazy1 wrote:
I've read the old posts where people say they allow test rides with cash in hand.
How does that work? Does the seller hang onto the cash while the scooter is test ridden?
I might have to meet people in town to let them test ride. I live on a gravel lane and would worry about them falling on gravel.
I haven't been on my bv200 in years since I broke 5 ribs falling from a stepstool in my kitchen so I'm finally going to sell it.
When I sold my sportbike I rode it for the buyer while he drove behind me. He was a younger guy and there was no way I was going to let him ride it. It was basically a street legal track bike. He bought it when we got back to my house. He told me the wheelie I rode sealed the deal for him.
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Can you wheelstand a BV200? It seems like a great tip for an easy sale.

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I have told the potential buyer that I would hold his drivers license while he took the bike around the block. That gives me a chance to see if there's a motorcycle endorsement and gives me a name and address and photo if the person takes off with my bike. I do tell them that if they break it they bought it, at asking. So far so good. The hardest thing is remembering to give them their license back after a successful ride.
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cadbury64 wrote:
Can you wheelstand a BV200? It seems like a great tip for an easy sale.
I think if they want to do a burnout they should bring their own oil. Maybe an appropriate service charge for tyre wear too?
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wentwest wrote:
I have told the potential buyer that I would hold his drivers license while he took the bike around the block. That gives me a chance to see if there's a motorcycle endorsement and gives me a name and address and photo if the person takes off with my bike. I do tell them that if they break it they bought it, at asking. So far so good. The hardest thing is remembering to give them their license back after a successful ride.
That sounds good in theory, but I had a friend that did the same and the potential buyer crashed, and despite having his information he never paid for the damages (not worth the hassle of going to court). Buy the buyer (as they say buy the seller), good to check for a motorcycle endorsement, but exercise discretion on who you do business with.
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I've sold a lot of mopeds and scooters over the years and I have never allowed test rides. Aside from someone wrecking your bike, which is bad enough, what's to stop someone from claiming your bike was in some way defective and turn around and sue you. If you've got an uninsured bike you're selling, you're at even greater risk of being personally and financially responsible if someone gets hurt on your bike. It's just not worth the risk.

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I size the person up BEFORE they come over. Then on meet up, make another determination whether it's worth the risk. If it is, I have them sign a document which is printed ahead of time removing me from any personable claims made. They also need a current motorcycle license that is left with me during the test, along with the full asking price, in cash, in my hand. On the note signed, it basically says, you drop it, you bought it. I only had one incident in selling over 50 bikes in my life. After the sale, papers signed, the new owner dropped it right on the edge of the driveway. I had not let him ride it as he did not have a MC license. He complained and said he was very experienced in riding dirt bikes and the back tire must have been too low. Checked the tire, it was perfect, but he wanted his money back. I agreed if he allowed for the price of the parts damaged plus labor. He refused, I walked inside the the police station where we met up (NOT at my house, ever) to ask for some assistance. Ten minutes later he was on his way.
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Tierney wrote:
I size the person up BEFORE they come over. Then on meet up, make another determination whether it's worth the risk. If it is, I have them sign a document which is printed ahead of time removing me from any personable claims made. They also need a current motorcycle license that is left with me during the test, along with the full asking price, in cash, in my hand. On the note signed, it basically says, you drop it, you bought it. I only had one incident in selling over 50 bikes in my life. After the sale, papers signed, the new owner dropped it right on the edge of the driveway. I had not let him ride it as he did not have a MC license. He complained and said he was very experienced in riding dirt bikes and the back tire must have been too low. Checked the tire, it was perfect, but he wanted his money back. I agreed if he allowed for the price of the parts damaged plus labor. He refused, I walked inside the the police station where we met up (NOT at my house, ever) to ask for some assistance. Ten minutes later he was on his way.
perfect place to meet and if there are any issues you have resources at you disposal.
@llazy1 avatar

Piaggio BV200
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@llazy1 avatar
Piaggio BV200
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I gather the For Sale forum is hidden until I hit a certain number of posts. I've been here for years, just not particularly active. I'd like to list my bv200..
What is required?
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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llazy1 wrote:
I gather the For Sale forum is hidden until I hit a certain number of posts. I've been here for years, just not particularly active. I'd like to list my bv200..
What is required?
Not true - many people post in there as their first post.
This should take you right there:
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