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Here's a video from the CORSA:IFP 2024 race. I'm sure some of you are familiar with the race, and for some that arn't, I'll give you the gist of it. It's a 600 mile street race only on vintage shifty scooters (stellas are fine). There is no GPS allowed, it is only navigated by roll chart. The race is 300 miles per day, for two days. There are checkpoints that are to be photographed to verify you are taking the correct course and doing the full 600 miles. Besides that, there are no rules, ride as gnarly as you want, or as chill as you want! Think of it two ways, either a mapped out beautiful ride with a support truck in case you break down, or an intense all out street race where anything goes and hope you don't get pulled over. It is a test of mostly navigation, endurance, and scooter reliability. The winner of the race is expected to "host" it for the following year, or if they want to run it again, they can appoint someone else to host or give the duty to someone who wants to host. The new host is allowed to chose the location of the following year, meaning a person from the midwest could come to the east, win it, and take it to their state! It's all for fun, and it's been primarily ran in the Northeast, but hopefully this video will show people how fun it is, and get some new blood interested! It's been going on for I think 15 years now, with only one year off (covid), which makes it a very long lasting vespa/lambretta event, outlasting lots of other rallies! Anyway, if you made it this far thanks for reading, enjoy the video, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out! Racing is the coolest thing you can do on anything with a motor.

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Wow looks like fun
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It's not easy, but it is a lot of fun.

I learnt a valuable lesson my first year: always write down the next little town on your roll chart/directions. More than once I stopped to ask a farmer how to get back to Rt #7053 (or whatever) the response was always "Where are you trying to get to?" Farmers don't always know the actual Rt #, but know how to get to the next town.

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starreem wrote:
It's not easy, but it is a lot of fun.

I learnt a valuable lesson my first year: always write down the next little town on your roll chart/directions. More than once I stopped to ask a farmer how to get back to Rt #7053 (or whatever) the response was always "Where are you trying to get to?" Farmers don't always know the actual Rt #, but know how to get to the next town.
Very true! Some people think you have to be fast to win, but thats not entirely true. Id say to win you need, in this order, 1. A reliable scooter, 2. good directions, 3. endurance/speed/hustle. If your scooter dosnt break down, and you dont make any wrong turns, you're on track to get top 3.
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Man, I would love to have done this.
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chandlerman this has your name written all over it - just need to choose whatever is your least hopped up scooter for it.

awesome video, well worth the watch and captures the spirit well. good times!
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sdjohn wrote:
chandlerman this has your name written all over it - just need to choose whatever is your least hopped up scooter for it.
What's funny is that I'd already come down to either the Lammy or the P200. Either of them could do it easily and it looks like a blast.

We already do a private club event in the fall that's similar to that, too, but don't keep score because knowing us, it would probably lead to some sort of police, fire, or ambulance situation.
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I was impressed that 5/9 were DNF. Tough race!

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sdjohn wrote:
I was impressed that 5/9 were DNF. Tough race!
300 miles/day is seriously tough on both vintage machines and mostly ditto men.

The hours driven illustrate the grit of the participants and average speeds are double and a testimony to the steeds´ grit.

Mán even on the modern Primavera I am positively knackered doing just over 200 kms in a day. Ok, roads here are a continent apart but the hours are hours and speed is speed.
I am impressed 4 made it Clap emoticon
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That is good fun ! I wish I would be there, that is the kind of stuff I like !

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chandlerman wrote:
What's funny is that I'd already come down to either the Lammy or the P200. Either of them could do it easily and it looks like a blast.

We already do a private club event in the fall that's similar to that, too, but don't keep score because knowing us, it would probably lead to some sort of police, fire, or ambulance situation.
Don't quote me on this, but I have a sneaking suspicion next year will be more south, like virginia maybe. As soon as I know I will post here on the forum in hopes of getting some new people to partake. It really is such a fun race, after the first checkpoint all the jitters kinda go away and you sort of settle down into just a fun beautiful ride in the country. Like i said in the original post, you can look at it as either a fun already routed beautiful ride with a truck to pick you up if you break down, or, a balls out street race. Either way its a damn good time with some real deal riders.
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JohnDon wrote:
Don't quote me on this, but I have a sneaking suspicion next year will be more south, like virginia maybe. As soon as I know I will post here on the forum in hopes of getting some new people to partake. It really is such a fun race, after the first checkpoint all the jitters kinda go away and you sort of settle down into just a fun beautiful ride in the country. Like i said in the original post, you can look at it as either a fun already routed beautiful ride with a truck to pick you up if you break down, or, a balls out street race. Either way its a damn good time with some real deal riders.

We'd drive to Virginia in a heartbeat for event like this.

Some of our members would treat it like a beautiful ride and others would treat it as practice for the Cannonball. I'll put myself somewhere in between and let time determine where on the spectrum I eventually fall.

I joined the FB group to see updates, but if you can post them here, that would also be greatly appreciated.
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