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Location: GA, USA
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Howdy everyone! I've had some work changes that have dramatically increased my commute so I've been trying to figure out a more cost effective transportation option. I look at an MP3 years ago just for fun, but now I've come back out of necessity.

I figured it would be best to just ask the opinion of people with experience.

My drive is about 65 miles on the pretty flat interstate(I16 down in south GA). The speed limit is 70mph with typical traffic flow between 70-80 mph.

I've had a motorcycle in the past, but at this point the added stability of the MP3 is more attractive. Obviously a big part of this equation is gas savings, but I don't know how interstate usage effects the usage.

edit: I should specify though it wouldn't be my only vehicle. I have another normal vehicle. This would in addition to my normal vehicle that I have to tow things/get groceries/etc. Whatever I'm driving is going get a lot of miles on regardless.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
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MP3 500 HPE 2019
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MP3 500 HPE 2019
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My personal opinion, if MP3 will be your only vehicle, looking at 64 miles hopefully that is return trip, equals to 102 kms a day times lets say 260 days, equals to 26520 kms a year, so with maintenance costs and you will probably run the scoot into the ground over a few years and it would be worthless, so I reckon, no real big savings, a good idea, would be to try to find an old VW Golf TDI Diesel, that gets a 1000 kms on a full tank, and you can get a good million kms on the engine if looked after.


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That's fair, I should specify though it wouldn't be my only vehicle. I have another normal vehicle. This would in addition to my normal vehicle that I have to tow things/get groceries/etc. Whatever I'm driving is going get a lot of miles on regardless.
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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@jimc avatar
The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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The MP3 is only 'more stable' on wet roads, manhole covers, rough ground, gravel etc. Just normal riding it's just like any other bike. What *is* really useful is the tilt-lock in urban conditions, at traffic lights, fitting into parking spaces and all that.

It would do the job for you quite happily, but it probably would never be the choice for this particular commute of those who've owned one before as well as other bikes. Maintenance costs alone (even if you DIY) will be greater than almost any other scooter.
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