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Hi all,

I got all geared up and ready to ride today just to find out that Harriet wasn't feeling up for it. I could start it up with no issues but when accelerating it kind of tried but then stopped.. and couldn't get it out of that.
I know about a lot of things but motorcycle mechanics is not one of them, so I started googeling things.

First I learnt that the feeling of starting and not going (kind of chocking) is called bog down.

Then I googled a bit more and found and old post in this forum, where they mentioned that maybe the tire pressure was the issue... If the tire pressure is different in front and back tires the ASR kicks in and that's the bogging down thingy... So I went out to check it again and yep, I could feel the back tire was quite soft, then I rotate it a bit and found out this ...
The culprit
The culprit
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I'm very proud of myself for finding out what the issue was Clap emoticon

Now I just need to find a place to change my back tire 😔

Thanks to all that participated in a post almost 5 years ago. You helped a lot!
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Thanks for posting the solution! Clap emoticon

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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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That tire looks no where near worn out, so my suggestion would be to install a tire plug. The wheel stays on the scoot and it won't take much more than 5 minutes to do.
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Tierney wrote:
That tire look no where near worn out, so my suggestion would be to install a tire plug. The wheel stays on the scoot and it won't take much more than 5 minutes to do.
Yes, I've been told that there's no need to change it, just patching it up is enough.
So my mission today is buying a repair kit and learning how to do that.

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I have used Stop & Go tire repair kits for many years and they have always worked great. They use a mushroom shaped plug. I have never had a leak where I plugged a tire, even with high horsepower and speed riding. They may be bought on Amazon or direct from Stop & Go. You would need a pretty basic kit.

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