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There is nothing wrong with the cylinder, I have the key to it, however, only have one key and I'm selling the scooter it's keyed too. I want to keep the top box so I either have to change the cylinders which I cannot find anywhere of this exact same variety or get a laser key cut and I can't find a blank or a place to cut it for a decent price. Please advise.
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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@jimc avatar
The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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A good locksmith with a sidewinder tool could knock you one up out of a brass strip of the right size. Otherwise you'd have to pay for a new blank - ~$35. You have to give them the current key to copy.

I'm amazed that they used the ignition key for the topbox key - and that barrel doesn't look like a sidewinder one to me. It looks like a standard GTS/whatever Piaggio barrel.

Molto Verboso
Vespa GTS 300
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Molto Verboso
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Some* Piaggio scooters come with an additional, suitable lock cylinder that can be installed in an optional top case.

So if the scooter and the top case were purchased at the same time, it is conceivable that the dealer has replaced the lock of the top case with the matching extra lock so that all locks are locked in the same way.

So if the OP buys another Piaggio scooter, it is conceivable that a suitable lock for fitting in the top case will be included. Ask your dealer...

* I'm not sure which models and engines this applies to.
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