The hailstorm that struck our neighborhood a month ago, putting many new dents in our poor Ford pickup, and once again destroying the siding on our house (third time) and causing $24,000 in siding and roof damage, has also exposed a small paper wasp nest that was hidden in the siding.

I think that there may only be three or four of them occupying the nest.

It is my duty to relocate this little clan of stinger flies before the siding crew shows up and smishes them, though that may not happen for another month, or possibly longer, as the siding and roofing crews are being ran ragged with all the repair work to be done around here.

Perhaps I can dust off the vacated Waspatorium a month or two earlier than normal and set them up in it for the upcoming winter?

Remember....'Vespa' is Italian for 'Wasp'.
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