My GTS 300 HPE has arrived in New York! It was last serviced in April 2022 (belt, oil, coolant, and brake fluid), last ridden June 2023, and then parked with a full tank and an unclipped battery. It's picked up about 4300 miles since the service.
When I shipped it, it had enough power to draw the LCD and open the seat, but the ignition button wasn't working. Not sure if it's corrosion, a dead battery, or old gas. I suppose I'll fill the tank with fresh gas, see if it jumps starts, and then decide whether to get a new battery or charge the 5yo one it came with. (Corrosion is a possibility since the MODE button stopped working before I even parked it.)
NY requires vehicle inspections, so at the very least I need to do that. I emailed Scooter Bottega and Vespa BK asking about a 2y service. They each gave me the price for an oil change, which surprised me. The manual says you're supposed to replace the coolant and brake fluid every 2y.
What advice do you have for getting back on the road after being parked for the better part of 2 years? Should I insist they change the coolant and brake fluid? Just get it inspected and see what they suggest after?
Thanks in advance!