Primavera 125, purchased in 2023
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Primavera 125, purchased in 2023
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Apologies for this very basic question!

I have a question about setting off on a 2023 Primavera 125 automatic.

Should the rider get on the scooter with it still on the centre stand, sit on the seat, then with both feet on the ground rock it off the stand, then press the starter with the rear brake on?

Or should the rider take the scooter off the centre stand, then get on the scooter, sit on the seat, then with both feet on the ground press the starter with the rear brake on?

I'm interested to know the consensus on this and would also like to know which of these options is the DVSA-approved way (UK authority), In other words what would the examiner expect to see a rider do on a Mod 1 test?

thanks for reading
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@dooglas avatar
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I always take any scooter off the center stand before mounting or starting. That has worked well for me for many years and with many scooters. (darned if I know anything about the DVSA approved method, however)
@steelbytes avatar

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@steelbytes avatar
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I'm often in places where you couldn't get the bike off the centre stand while sitting on it due to the slope or slipperiness or softness of the ground. HAve also seen smaller people struggle to get off the center stand while siutting on it.

Also, squeezed both brakes is a good habit
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I have a GTS 300. I squeeze the brakes and sit, then rock off the stand, then start it. We can all agree one shouldn't start the engine before it's off the center stand.
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Tripo wrote:
...We can all agree one shouldn't start the engine before it's off the center stand.
Ignorance post: for what reason is this so? I've always started the scooters on the stand, then pushed off onto the tires to go. Am I doing irreparable damage?

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BV400, Primavera 150, Yamaha Zuma 125
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Scooter Curmudgeon wrote:
Am I doing irreparable damage?
You haven't done any damage unless you twist the throttle while the scooter is coming off the stand -- and it gets away from you and dumps you on your ass.
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