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1966 Lambretta Li150 Ser III, Vespa 150 VBB
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Location: Berkeley, CA USA
@c1fer avatar
1966 Lambretta Li150 Ser III, Vespa 150 VBB
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Location: Berkeley, CA USA
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I got this sealed battery from Amazon back in 2020. I think I already know the answer, but wanted to ask anyway. It was working fine until I had an issue with the scooter and it sat for 6 months. The question is, do you think it will take a charge or should I just replace it.
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P200E DN 1982
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P200E DN 1982
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Location: Vva. del Rosario - Málaga - España
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just try; cheaper than a new one.

Put it on the charger and see in 24hrs.
If some life back it it, discharge somewhat and on the charger again.

Personally I would connect battery cables from the ex´s diesel (engine running) for a few minutes and thén (after disconnecting) put it on the charger
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