I am at a crossroads. I love my Vespa to death - it's fun, it's comfortable, it's delightful, it's PLUCKY damnit. The lime green and pink catches the right people's eye in the right way.
I do 95% of my riding WOT. My commute is over a mountain highway (okay downhill throttle is only open enough to keep oil flowing) and other than that it's mostly big chunks of I5. I love getting to places and having people go "wait you drove that from WHERE?" but it's also hard on the poor thing. I wear through the 'consumables' fast. Not helped by being a heavier rider. Spending so much time on the interstate I am starting to look at 600-800cc rides longingly.
I don't LIKE it, and it's not like I really have spare money to buy a new ride, and I'd never get RID of my beautiful green wonder so it'd be crowded in my driveway and I'm sure my partner would hate everything about it but...it sure would be nice to pass trucks sometimes.
Anyone else get a similar melancholy - or do you just double dip? What are your coping mechanisms/justifications?
Anyway, here's Wonderwall.