Elettrica 70kph
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Elettrica 70kph
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Anyone know if it is possible to pull error codes from an Electtrica without taking it to a dealer? Which I am happy to do, and pay for, but they are booked out for two weeks.

The connector under the seat does not look it will plug into any OBD2, or OBD2 adapter, I have seen.

I thought maybe I had a bad 15-month old 12v battery, but replaced it and driving down the road every idiot light lit up and the thing shut down, waited a bit and cycled power a couple of times and made it home with check engine light on. It does seem like the traction battery is charging the 12v battery OK. Charged the 12v battery with external charger and now the CEL is off, but seems like something is wrong. I also can't manage to get the iOS app to connect to the scooter, despite an active BT connection …
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
2019 GTS300 Supertech E3 61,000km
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
@steelbytes avatar
2019 GTS300 Supertech E3 61,000km
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Grab the manual from https://manuals.wotmeworry.org.uk/Vespa/Elettrica/

Page 176 shows the wiring of the diag port (canbus).

Should be 5min job to wire an adaptor cable.

Codes are on pages 191-194
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