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@javakid avatar
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When I leave my Vespa in the garage for a few days, both on the side stand and center stand, I get what looks to be three drops of oil underneath the rear.
Anyone have a clue as to what this may be from? The plastic bubble is clear.
Drops of oil
Drops of oil
@steelbytes avatar

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Veni, Vidi, Posti
@steelbytes avatar
2019 GTS300 Supertech E3 61,000km
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generally you should be able to stick your head under and spot where from. personally I've found paper towel to be handy for patting areas that appear wet

300gts super sport
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Agree with Steelbytes, clean the engine underneath with a cloth then if possible borrow / pinch some flip chart paper from someone. Park up the scooter and mark the position of the rear wheel and mark left and right.

This should give you the precise location where the drip " leaves" the bike. Oil can run over sloped surfaces and emerge away from the source, hence the cleaning.

Lastly are you checking your gearbox and engine oil levels, if not start asap.

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Not drops, a small puddle.
@cadbury64 avatar

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If there is a leak from the gasket around the sump casting on the left side, it will drain back and hit the floor just in front of the rear tyre on the left side. DAMHIK.
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