2007 Piaggio MP3 250
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2007 Piaggio MP3 250
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I recently obtained a 2007 250ei. It was my cousin's and he was going to junk it because he didn't take care of it that well, he dropped it a few times, and didn't want to put anymore money in it so he let me have it.
Now it's a fun project for me to work on. I am more of a car guy and this is my first, not just scooter, but first time ever really working on something with 2 wheels. I've done work here and there but this more of "restoring" it.
Does anyone know where I can find more the technical information on this scooter? Such as the drawings of certain systems. I want to learn how this scooter is set up and plan out some of my troubleshooting.
I found the owners manual and it gave a lot of good information but not really want I need.
Shockingly, I do need one for the tilt lock. Any help or direction would be appreciated.
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Workshop manuals and parts diagrams

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2007 GTS
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anto87 wrote:
I recently obtained a 2007 250ei. It was my cousin's and he was going to junk it because he didn't take care of it that well, he dropped it a few times, and didn't want to put anymore money in it so he let me have it.
Now it's a fun project for me to work on. I am more of a car guy and this is my first, not just scooter, but first time ever really working on something with 2 wheels. I've done work here and there but this more of "restoring" it.
Does anyone know where I can find more the technical information on this scooter? Such as the drawings of certain systems. I want to learn how this scooter is set up and plan out some of my troubleshooting.
I found the owners manual and it gave a lot of good information but not really want I need.
Shockingly, I do need one for the tilt lock. Any help or direction would be appreciated.
90% of your issues you find on the scooter have already been discussed on this forum, please use the search function and happy reading. If you cant find or need help with your question ask away.

download the service manual link straight to your computer that steel bytes provided.

Also pics helps alot when addressing problems as folks can spot things you might not see.

2007 Piaggio MP3 250
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Location: New York
2007 Piaggio MP3 250
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Sorry for my long delay in getting here but thank you all for the help!! Much appreciated.
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