I recently obtained a 2007 250ei. It was my cousin's and he was going to junk it because he didn't take care of it that well, he dropped it a few times, and didn't want to put anymore money in it so he let me have it.
Now it's a fun project for me to work on. I am more of a car guy and this is my first, not just scooter, but first time ever really working on something with 2 wheels. I've done work here and there but this more of "restoring" it.
Does anyone know where I can find more the technical information on this scooter? Such as the drawings of certain systems. I want to learn how this scooter is set up and plan out some of my troubleshooting.
I found the owners manual and it gave a lot of good information but not really want I need.
Shockingly, I do need one for the tilt lock. Any help or direction would be appreciated.