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1980 P150S
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1980 P150S
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I hope everyone is having a great day. I'm new here, so apologies if I'm posting in the wrong section.

I recently bought my first Vespa, which, based on the engine number, has a P150S engine. However, I discovered that the frame is from an LML, likely from around 2002. I was planning to complete the restoration in December with a fresh paint job, a brown seat, engine improvements, etc., but now that I know it's a bit of a Frankenstein build, I'm wondering if it's really worth it or if I should look for a proper model.

Any thoughts or advice from the experts would be greatly appreciated!
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Paint looks good to me so I would not bother with that. Post a picture of your engine number for us to see if it looks right.

If you like the scoot it does not matter if it is Indian or "real" Vespa. Both can be built to match your taste.
@walso1989 avatar

1980 P150S
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1980 P150S
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sure!! thanks for the replay
Engine number
Engine number
@orwell84 avatar

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No reason an LML can't be as nice and reliable as a Vespa. You would be surprised how nice you can make it look by cleaning, buffing and paint touch ups.

I would focus on making it mechanically sound and reliable. Do your paint TLC between rides on rainy days. Get your brown seat. You will enjoy working on it much more if you can ride it too.
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1980 P150S
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1980 P150S
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I ride it everyday, mechanically is really good, I want to tune it a little bit get a SIP exaust and some other minor mods.

The paint is funny, it used to be blue and for some reason instead of removing the blue pain and then add this awesome turquoise color the previous owner just painted on top of the blue so any minor scratch shows the blue that's why I want to have a better paint job
@finyoshi avatar

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Exhaust will not make a massive difference alone and I'm not entirely sure if the exhaust stub is exactly the same as on regular PX150.

Anyway, I'd start with exhaust and cylinder. VMC Super G or Crono possibly.
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