Vespa Sprint 1966 Polini 221
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Vespa Sprint 1966 Polini 221
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I will use my 60mm Bgm crank with a original px200 cylinder and a gs piston. Is it a 1,5 cylinder base gasket and no head gasket that is needed?

And another question, can a Polini 221 kit cylinder be used with a 57mm crank or does it have to be milled down?
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Lambretta GPs Lambretta S1s, Vespa Gl, Vespa P200, Serveta 150
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Lambretta GPs Lambretta S1s, Vespa Gl, Vespa P200, Serveta 150
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As far as the 60mm crank is concerned, you can run this crank with zero base gaskets and usually no head gasket. you just have to check for squish. This was a common modification back in the day. i suggest keeping your port timings low and IF you need a larger squish run a head gasket.
You can live inside the factory squish of these bikes from the factory.
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