Hi everyone! I just bought a white primavera 150 for commuting to work and I'm so excited excited to be joining this community!
I live in Baltimore and work in a very rough neighborhood about 1.5 miles from my house. At my house I plan to keep my Vespa in my backyard parking pad, but at work (an elementary/middle school) there's just a small parking lot right next to the playground. I'm not sure what the most appropriate choices are in terms of security. On the one hand, there are not a lot of scooters in Baltimore, so I imagine theft isn't common. However, we've had some car thefts in that parking lot over the past 2 years so it's a possibility. I can also imagine our former students (now in high school) wanting to sit on it and push it around just for fun.
Any advice on how to keep it safe? I don't really feel like dragging a cover around with me, but will do it if it makes sense. Is a good sturdy bike lock through a wheel and attached to a pole good enough or would you recommend something more substantial? Links would be greatly appreciated since I'm new to this!!
Thank you everyone!!