In the UK, most figures for cars are given at the crank. A 700hp Lamborghini has an engine that produces 700hp and we ignore that different transmissions have different losses.
My Vespa is quoted by Piaggio as having 11hp / 8kw.
Is this figure at the crank or at the wheel?
I also see that in the UK when we tune bikes / cars, the dyno will calculate the true hp at the wheel(s), but then the operator lets go of the throttle and as the dyno naturally slows down, it approximates the drivetrain losses and gives a slightly less accurate "hp at the crank" figure. We will then always tend to refer to that slightly less accurate "at the crank figure", but I think stateside, you tend to prefer figures at the wheel(s)?
Are your vehicles then advertised with wheel hp or crank hp when new?