Just spit-balling here...
Some oil pump motors came with a 3-4mm fiberglass/plastic spacer sandwiched between the airbox and motor. Legend has it that it was to alleviate vapor-lock from heat of the motor causing the carb to boil over. I believe it was a US model thing, due to emissions and leaner jetting leading to hotter running engines. Most, if not all of those were binned, tossed, chucked, etc.
I included a picture (red-circle) that possibly shows evidence marks of the top of the pump drive possibly rubbing, and keeping the airbox from sitting all the way flush with the engine at that area?
Possible things you can try:
1) run two or three airbox gaskets to have the airbox stand higher and a see if the leak persists.
2) locate one of those fiberglass spacers and run it to see if the leak persists.
Again, I am just throwing ideas out there... not sure if it will work, but something relatively easy to try.