Very strange one and not sure what to do...
I had a plastic banner in front of my vespa, and some water has sat for an extended period behind the banner, on the paintwork itself... and has caused these large blemishes.
I believe it's water, rather than friction that has caused these marks, as you can see where it sat above the "V" and "e" on the badge in particular.
I've tried washing this off as normal, but there is no difference.
I live in a "hard water" area, but I'm not sure if hard water is caused by minerals in a reservoir that then come out of the tap, or whether rain itself can also carry hard water minerals.
My initial thoughts are:
I can't use anything abrasive on a matte paint, so I must try and fix this with something chemical...
Do I try some white vinegar to dissolve it? Assuming it is essentially a large water spot?
The other option I thought to is the descaling tablets that people use in their coffee machines - but I don't know if this will cause damage? And I also need to be 100% sure this is a water mark?
Any ideas / thoughts?!