2007 Vespa LX50
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2007 Vespa LX50
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I have a 2007 Vespa LX50 with a carburetor.

What is the best way to store it for the winter?

Is it OK to just add Stabil fuel stabilizer or do I need to drain the tank?

I have a battery maintainer/charger.

Vespa ET2, LX50 2T
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Vespa ET2, LX50 2T
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I don't store mine over the winter as such. I do use the fuel with the least amount of ethanol in it that they sell in the gas / petrol station.

If I were to store it I would be inclined to drain the fuel as much as possible with a siphon pump (like below available from Amazon etc.) then put it in my cars tank.
Then drive it up and down my road until it ran out of fuel.
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The only carburetor I have to store is my lawnmower.
I just did my last cut yesterday and it won't see light until Spring. All I've done over the years is fill the tank and pour in some Sta-bil. Never had any issues.

I plan on doing the same with my 2009 s150 because we usualy get some stretch of days decent enough to go for short rides.
Gotta be ready to take advantage
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Drain the carburetor. There's a screw under the bowl. Open it. Gas will come out. Close it when the gas stops coming out.
That's all we ever did with the LX50 when we had a rental fleet. Worked fine.

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100% agree with draining the fuel system and the carb. I used this technique on three classic two strokes. Run them warm , siphoned out the tank. Then ran them until they revved up and stopped. I couldnt get a the float bowls so used this method.

Following year refill and no issues with gum / blocked jets or corrosion in the tank.

If you " occasionally " use the bike in winter, then a fuel stabilizer such a Fuel-Fit is an option, but its definitely inferior to a system drain in my opinion.
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2009 Black Vespa s150-----2013 Black HD VRSDX
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Binettasteve wrote:
100% agree with draining the fuel system and the carb. I used this technique on three classic two strokes. Run them warm , siphoned out the tank. Then ran them until they revved up and stopped. I couldnt get a the float bowls so used this method.

Will "sediments" from the bottom of the drained tank get into the jets when running the engine dry?

I always see "floaters" in the bottom of my lawn mower gas can at the end of the season. The remaining gas gets poured into my car except for the last couple of oz/floaters which gets disposed of. The can gets filled with fresh Premium in the Spring. Rinse and Repeat.....
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I use Sta-Bil in all of my small engine fuel year-round, and have never had a stale fuel-related carb issue of my own doing. They key is to make sure that the stabilized fuel is suffused throughout the system, in particular filling the carb float bowl with fully stabilized fuel. Dumping stabilizer into the tank without running the engine does nothing.

I keep the tanks of scooters and boat engines pretty full all winter. I run smaller engines dry - power washers, snowblowers - because it's easy and usually pretty clear when you're done with them for the season.

I keep three 5-gallon jerrycans of fuel in my garage and dump StaBil in them before I take them to be refilled. If the fuel gets to be more than about 4 months old I dump it in my car and start over. I rarely find myself filling a scooter tank at a gas station with untreated fuel.

2007 Vespa LX50
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2007 Vespa LX50
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Motovista wrote:
Drain the carburetor. There's a screw under the bowl. Open it. Gas will come out. Close it when the gas stops coming out.
That's all we ever did with the LX50 when we had a rental fleet. Worked fine.
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