In light of recent events...a link to an opinion piece about transgender athletes in sports.
The science says there is no advantage for people who have undergone transitioning.
Especially when taken into context of a non contact team sport. This article even quotes how swimmer Lia Thomas competitive times compare to other recent champions.
The science says there is no advantage to being a transgender athlete. All of this has been publicized for political foster divisiveness in order to gain a political advantage they are preying on the ignorant.
The University of Nevada at Reno told their women's volleyball team that they needed to educate themselves on the issue they were protesting and the University is absolutely correct in that statement.
For anybody that has done even minimal reading on the subject it is obvious that this is only about politics and the division among the reds and the blues in the USA.
The bottom line is if being a trans woman is an advantage in competitive sport why aren't they winning? Personally I think politics in sport is way more dangerous than trans athletes.
I can see though that many people who know nothing about trans people are upset that they have to learn about them. They never had to before because most of the trans people in recent history have lived with the closely guarded secret. They were there all along but have become more visible recently and this upsets people who haven't learned anything about them yet.
We have a long way to go to end hate. I love how in Dr. Sapolsky's short clip he makes jokes about how being gay up until 1970 in the USA would qualify you to be diagnosed with a mental illness. Someone born in 1950 coming out as gay before they turned 20 could have been institutionalized by their own parents...yeah let's not rethink that position (insert /s for sarcasm here)
I understand ignorance. You don't know what you don't know and perfectly normal I think to be somewhat afraid of the unknown but stubbornly refusing to learn when presented with overwhelming information is just stupid.