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A camshaft upgrade in a 300
... and again I am flabbergasted about how nót common it is nowadays.
Significantly cheaper than an exhaust and it actually produces more power!

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Go ahead and clip the fuse shorter if you like.
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Veloce Vulture wrote:
Go ahead and clip the fuse shorter if you like.
Most times can with some extra inconveniencing of grey cells follow you, but sorry.
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From 20.6 to 24.9HP is quite a difference. Plus 20%.
Do you know what the difference is between the standard camshaft and this upgrade? Is it the valve timing or the lift height or both?
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Petrus wrote:
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Hitchcocks a UK dealer in parts for Royal Enfield offer a hotter cam swap for the 411 Himalayan . The himmie is like a Vespa in that it is a low brake horsepower engine. However Im sure with the himmie , they also couple the cam with a through flow air filter and an ecu piggyback.
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PeterCC wrote:
From 20.6 to 24.9HP is quite a difference. Plus 20%.
Do you know what the difference is between the standard camshaft and this upgrade? Is it the valve timing or the lift height or both?
Yes, impressive.
No, sorry, no details.
Probably both but cannot be much extra lift nor very aggressive because it is a straight drop in.

It thus should not affect the life span of the engine much if any.

Here another example of the little sister models

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Some people have no sense of adventure.
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Binettasteve wrote:
ecu piggyback.
An ECU piggy back is also used with this camshaft in this series of videos. A Malossi Forcemaster 3 (almost twice the cost of the malossi camshaft).

the FM3 has an inbuilt map for the malossoi camshaft with the malossi cylinder but not one for only the camshaft. in their videos you can see that they use a dyno so they can tweak the fm3 settings to suit only the camshaft.

Interestingly they changed the camshaft without removing the engine - very tight!!!

PS I aim to change the camshaft+cylinder+fm3 in my hpe in a couple of months
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SteelBytes wrote:
PS I aim to change the camshaft+cylinder+fm3 in my hpe in a couple of months
Attaboy Clap emoticon

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The 310 on the bench:

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SteelBytes wrote:
PS I aim to change the camshaft+cylinder+fm3 in my hpe in a couple of months
and apply a GTR logo

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