Early stages of this plan. I'm looking to add heated grips and a heated seat pad to my ET2. Grips will draw 20-50 watts and seat will draw 15-25 watts so I'm expecting a load between 3.5-6.25 amps.
The only data I've been able to find on the stator lists the output at 1.5-2.0 amps at 3,000 rpms. I've swapped the stock 35w halogen headlight for a 20w LED so that should give me an extra 1.25 amps to play with but I'm still looking at a pretty big deficit.
Since I need to find the extra power somewhere I'm thinking about running the heaters off an auxiliary battery with an isolator to protect the primary. I figure I won't be using the heat most of the time so I should be able to gradually recharge the aux battery on warmer days. As far as capacity, I'm looking at a 6Ah battery which should get me at least 45 minutes at peak load.
Any obvious flaws?