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Do they still make them?
I tried ScooterWest's website, but I didn't have any luck.
Oops, forgot the second half of the question: What do y'all think of them? Assuming it's more than hate of a certain scent. I get that. Not for group rides.
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Google showed quite a few results. Interesting concept.

Did make me think of
Artisanal Gaskets will be available soon!
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Castor Bean is my favorite
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Veloce Vulture wrote:
Castor Bean is my favorite
Don´t want to mess up the synthetic I use but it would sure result in associations/memories.

Add some drops.... Facepalm emoticon

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Grumpnut wrote:
Google showed quite a few results. Interesting concept.

Did make me think of
Artisanal Gaskets will be available soon!
No, I'm not trolling. I recently bought a chainsaw to help deal with the aftermath of Helene. The mechanic sold me Kawasaki oil, saying it was better IHHO than Stihl's...and I immediately remembered 2T scooter oil that was strawberry or watermelon or...something.
I thought fruit-scented or something 2T 50:1 mix oil would make the task a little happier, since it's just going to be me on several wooded acres clearing out fallen trees.
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Petrus wrote:
Don´t want to mess up the synthetic I use but it would sure result in associations/memories.

Add some drops.... Facepalm emoticon

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It's vegan so it's sustainable and safe, maybe a shopping trip to find a candle?
Even a scented ink well for pens!
Who needs tariffs?

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Cheshire wrote:
No, I'm not trolling. I recently bought a chainsaw to help deal with the aftermath of Helene. The mechanic sold me Kawasaki oil, saying it was better IHHO than Stihl's...and I immediately remembered 2T scooter oil that was strawberry or watermelon or...something.
I thought fruit-scented or something 2T 50:1 mix oil would make the task a little happier, since it's just going to be me on several wooded acres clearing out fallen trees.
You're probably thinking of Ipone.

Not too common stateside, but Scooterworks says they have stock.
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az_slynch wrote:
Not too common stateside, but Scooterworks says they have stock.
Works! That was the other one besides (Scooter)West. Thank you!
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I tried the Ipone strawberry years ago, just for fun. No complaints. I have also tried some "fuel fragrance" -- you can find an amazing number of those. I have some root beer that's always a crowd pleaser. Have run it in the Vespa, a weed whacker, and the Harley at various times, a little goes a long way. The stuff I have is from All Star Performance (https://allstarperformance.com/search-results-page?q=fuel%20fragrance).

There's even "reefer madness" scent... I can only imagine how quickly THAT would get someone pulled over!!
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You had me at LAVENDER. XXX.
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Cheshire wrote:
No, I'm not trolling. I recently bought a chainsaw to help deal with the aftermath of Helene. The mechanic sold me Kawasaki oil, saying it was better IHHO than Stihl's...and I immediately remembered 2T scooter oil that was strawberry or watermelon or...something.
I thought fruit-scented or something 2T 50:1 mix oil would make the task a little happier, since it's just going to be me on several wooded acres clearing out fallen trees.
For chainsaws, I'd recommend this biodegradable bar & chain oil. The specs are just fine and I've been happy with switching to it. Does the job perfectly well and doesn't fling petroleum all over the place. If you're in sub-freezing temps in winter, just switch back to the winter/all-season oil that Husqvarna makes for a short period of time.
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The ipone oil is quality stuff specs-wise, and the scent is pretty sweet, quite literally. It's worth trying if only for the container with its dosage system that fits in a glovebox, even the lambretta under-the-seat kind (you have to stuff it in, but it fits). No second-guessing at the fuel pump: check the quantity of gas, and fill the separate oil compartment to the same value if you're running at 2%, or adapt according to your needs.

Putoline from the UK used to make their version of strawberry scented oil, but not sure if it's still made...

I've tried quite a few 2 stroke oils in my scooterriding years, and I find the motul 710 to be the most agreeable to the nostrils among the performance oils.

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Pardon the politically incorrect language, but this thread topic is a bit gay. I mean, bro, it's 2-stroke oil; it's not suntan lotion or shower gel.

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When I bought my Kr1s the guy gave me a bottle of Castrol A747. Incorrectly he thought this was the right oil for an injector system. I flushed it all out but kept the bottle.

For those that dont know 747 is a premix only and has very similar characteristics to the original Castrol R mineral oil……….including the smell.

For over two year I ran it at 40:1 in my garden mower. Never has cutting grass been more enjoyable. Walking directly behind the exhaust of a hot air cooled motor smelling of Castrol R was pure 70&80's racing nostalgia!

And …you can still buy it , for premix use only.
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nomadinsiam wrote:
Pardon the politically incorrect language, but this thread topic is a bit gay. I mean, bro, it's 2-stroke oil; it's not suntan lotion or shower gel.
Coconut oil... great idea!
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SubEtherBASS wrote:
Coconut oil... great idea!
OR you could go Cheech and Chong... Up in 2/- Smoke
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SubEtherBASS wrote:
OR you could go Cheech and Chong... Up in 2/- Smoke
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zachyzach wrote:
For chainsaws, I'd recommend this biodegradable bar & chain oil. The specs are just fine and I've been happy with switching to it. Does the job perfectly well and doesn't fling petroleum all over the place. If you're in sub-freezing temps in winter, just switch back to the winter/all-season oil that Husqvarna makes for a short period of time.
i stick with the tried and true orange jug for all of my saws (i go through a decent amount of it). If Ipone came out with either a Fir or Cedar scented 2 stroke oil, i'd definitely use that in my chainsaws
Gotta keep 5 gallons of bar oil on hand…just in case
Gotta keep 5 gallons of bar oil on hand…just in case
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Cheshire wrote:
Do they still make them?
I tried ScooterWest's website, but I didn't have any luck.
Oops, forgot the second half of the question: What do y'all think of them? Assuming it's more than hate of a certain scent. I get that. Not for group rides.
They do, in my place you can easily find 2T oils with strawberry and bubblegum scent. I use this one from local brand, yellow color, with bubblegum scent.. It produces less smoke and more clean combustion chamber.
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hmmmm.... ´Eva-lube´ and pro no less ROFL emoticon
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