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Hi guys, I'm a new rider. Everything is going well however I'm feeling a little intimidated by wind gusts. And this is only at around 60 - 70 kmph...
Sometimes I feel I'm going to be blown off and the anxiety kicks in. Not sure if it's 'feeling worse than it is' because I'm not used to it and tensing up.
This may a silly question seeing a shield placed in front of a bike is called a 'WIND - screen' but would it actually help having one??? I'm wondering whether it would actually create more resistance and make it worse. I really don't know. Surprisingly, wind was not covered when I did a riding course. Would love your opinions. Cheers.
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Get one. Not the massive tall ones but the normal size.
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Wind resistance has two components; frontal area and ´slipperyness´:

- Opting for a small / none too large screen will not add to the frontal area.

- A smallish ones will under most circumstances improve the flow a bit because you are no longer like a parachute.

Mine makes a wórld of difference to comfort:

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I drove a GTS300 without a flyscreen (the smaller screen) because it was backordered. I drove it for about 2 weeks and the wind hit my chest and when driving fast it wears on you. When the flyscreen was installed, it pushed the wind up higher more toward my chin area and feels so much better, I am about 6 feet tall. I would recommend the flyscreen or medium screen which likely pushed the wind over your head.
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Thanks guys. It's nice to know the wind issue is quite natural. I'm 5.7 tall so yeah if a small to medium screen deflects the wind over my helmet it will be much better than being, as Petrus put it, 'like a parachute'.
Did you guys favour any particular brand? Cupini, Faco, Vespa?
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I have 2 GTS300 and use both Vespa Flyscreens. I like them
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I didn't like the Fly screen that came on my GTS. I didn't want one of those giant tall screens either.
So I ordered a Faco Twin screen that is adjustable .
The top section can slide down for hot weather or when you just want more wind. Back up for rain or cold.
Side view:
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Front view. I used hand guards too as I ride year round but don't like heated grips.
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I bought the small fly-screen for my s150 mainly for the "Looks". It actually helped to keep my eyes from tearing up on cooler rides (I wear a beanie helmet/sun glasses).
My s150 came with a large windscreen but it was pulled off before I rode away from the Vespa store. Some say too big and you'll feel like a sail on windy days.....YMMV
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Clampett wrote:
So I ordered a Faco Twin screen that is adjustable .

Front view. I used hand guards too as I ride year round but don't like heated grips.
Good thinking imo on both accounts.

Up north I fitted hand guards on every motorbike I rode through the winter. Unlike heated grips keeps most of the rain off too.

Over here just minimal wind deflection is quite enough.
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I hated the fly screen that came on my GTS300 and took it off. As winter approached, I decided that I needed a real screen. I got a tall Falco. Other than the lack of wind blowing on me, didn't notice much of a difference in performance. With wind gusts 25 mph and above, things get a little squirrelly, but I don't ride much in windy conditions. The gas mileage only dropped about 3mpg. I am very happy with the addition. During warmer weather, I will probably remove it.

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Windscreens are essential for speeds above 45km/h. Especially if the temperature is cool or cold because wind+speed=windchill.

I have a tall screen on a LX50. And I drive only in dense NYC, yet the screen helps a lot on cool or cold days even at speeds of 25mph. When it is light rain or foggish, the screen helps a lot also. The screen has hand protectors which assist in keeping my hands from chilling. With my fullface helmet and the screen, I can easily drive in NYC winters.

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NO windshield!!!

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Even cars get pushed around with lateral gusts of wind, a small screen is good on the front to take the wind off the body and help the older arms and wrists, if you are riding in open areas no real solution to this as the scoot is not that heavy, city riders only have to worry about cars and pedestrians, you can try a tighter jacket so the wind cannot grab the parachute areas, after that not much you can do other than get a MP3 500/530, heavier and 3 wheels, more solid with wind gusts.
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There are different opinions regarding windshields that have been seen already on this thread.

Here is mine.

Riding at your noted speeds, 60 to 70 kph, up to around 44 mph, I have found that a windshield is not really needed.

Faster than around 55 mph though, I won't ride without one.

Shortly after buying Rocket, my 2006 Vespa GT, I took a 100 mile ride, my first longish ride where I needed to ride up to 70 mph.

On this ride, the wind hitting my upright riding position wore me out quickly.

So I bought and installed a Faco mid narrow windshield and ran a similar ride in comfort.

Those screens have gone on every Vespa I have ridden since.

I have been given a couple of fly screens, the low ones that several have suggested, and found them to be insufficient at diverting the wind at high speeds.

Using these, the wind tried to lift my helmet off at speeds higher than 65 mph.

I am offering this advice after many years and miles riding Vespas fast, over 150,000 miles including four Scooter Cannonball Runs.

The Faco mid narrow screen on Rocket many years ago.
The Faco mid narrow screen on Rocket many years ago.
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WLeuthold wrote:
Using these, the wind tried to lift my helmet off at speeds higher than 65 mph.

Interesting snipped of info.

I abhor full face. Never liked them and only started wearing one when that became obligatory for racing. On my scoots though wear simple ´jet´ though prefer ´pudding basis´. Sadly those attract attention of the plod so
The pudding basin hard tops indeed get pulled up but with those I do not want to go fast anyway.

Why GermanGTSDriver ?
Don´t want one on my NSM but on the modern scoots the low to mid looks befitting imo and there is no doubt they reduce buffeting / parachute effect.
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I've had all three height windscreens on my Vespa Scooters. The tall one was great in the winter time, but was hot in the summer. Both my wife and I found the fly screen to be completely worthless. The best size, in our opinion, are the medium height windscreens. We currently have them on our 2021 GTS 300 Supers and love them. They are the perfect height for both wind/eye protection and field of vision. We both look just above the top edge of the windscreen, where I've been told you should be looking.
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I like to look as far and wide as possible with ´focus´ of attention within the distance I need to stop plus its periphery.
I have found it useful to assume I will not be seen/noticed/respected by other traffic regardless of ´hi-viz´ attire.
Extra attention still to the surface in front of the wheel.
Regardless of whichever windshield. Hence I almost ocd keeping it clean.
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I always ride with a windscreen on my 300 GTS. In the Summer I prefer a short screen, and in the late Fall/Winter/early Spring a mid-height screen. Realistically you are not going to be "blown off" the scooter though. I prefer a screen because it reduces windchill in cold weather and reduces the tiring effect of resisting the force of the wind blowing against your chest while riding year round.
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I think there are two things at play here. There is the normal turbulent winds against the body that increase when riding at higher speeds. Both a windscreen and proper fitting clothing can help reduce this.

Depending on the windscreen size, you will move where the turbulent air is. Going with a fly or small screen might move the wind off your chest and more towards your helmet. A taller screen will most likely direct the air over your helmet.

Wind gusts can be caused by other vehicles and obviously actual changes in wind speed. These are less to predict and even more experienced riders can be caught off guard. In my experience a windscreen is not necessarily a remedy for these wind events.
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team flyscreen here.
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Shebalba wrote:
In my experience a windscreen is not necessarily a remedy for these wind events.
Nice unoffensive way to write that a larger windscreen can be like a sail pointing the wrong way ROFL emoticon

On a side note; the lighter the scoot and the smaller the wheels the more vulnerable to gust induced instability.

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Petrus wrote:
Why GermanGTSDriver ?
Don´t want one on my NSM but on the modern scoots the low to mid looks befitting imo and there is no doubt they reduce buffeting / parachute effect.
The problem with a windshield is the combination of the size of the windshield and the rider's height and sitting position. Depending on these factors, the airflow from small and medium-sized windscreens is concentrated on the upper body/neck/head. For most riders, a large windshield would have to be used to avoid this concentration of wind. Large windshields (in German: "Rentnerscheibe", pensioner windshield) look like shit, steal top speed and you can't see anything in the rain.

In short: Leave the windshield off, whether small, medium or large.
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GermanGTSDriver wrote:
The problem with a windshield is the combination of the size of the windshield and the rider's height and sitting position. Depending on these factors, the airflow from small and medium-sized windscreens is concentrated on the upper body/neck/head.
In short: Leave the windshield off, whether small, medium or large.
Personal: I'm 175cm(5'9") 65kg with a small/mid screen (not sure if piaggio calls it a small or mid or whatever. ie the most common size seen on a gts).

Does the screen put more air on my head?
Yes. And of course this changes the noise.

Is it more stable at higher speeds with the screen?
Yes. my body doesn't feel like a parachute with one. I've occasionally hit the freeway without the screen and hell that's a bad experience compared to with the screen. The parachute is very susceptible to buffeting from turbulence of other vehicles. High speed country + freeway is important to me.

Do I ride all year round or am I summer time rider to the gelato bar?
All year all conditions. Definitely drier with it.

Does it keep most of the bugs that splatter when riding in farm land off my jacket?

Does it look better without?
Yes. For me the benefits out way this neg.

Does it help with wind gusts?

Would I recommend small/mid?
Yes. 100%

Never tried the tall screens but they do look ugly and the aero ...
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I have both a small Vespa flyscreen and a medium Vespa one for my 2012 GTS 300. I'm 5'6 and highly recommend the small flyscreen, especially to start out. As mentioned by Shebalba and Petrus, there is a real downside to larger screens as gusts of wind from the side and behind can really surprise you (not good) and move your scoot in an unpredictable way. I no longer use the medium for that reason. The small screen does hit me in the helmet (I think) but I don't mind. It's better to stick with "the devil you know" than be faced by a strong gust that causes you to wobble. If the small doesn't work out, you can always move up to a larger size. Good luck!
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GermanGTSDriver wrote:
The problem with a windshield is the combination of the size of the windshield and the rider's height and sitting position. Depending on these factors, the airflow from small and medium-sized windscreens is concentrated on the upper body/neck/head. For most riders, a large windshield would have to be used to avoid this concentration of wind. Large windshields (in German: "Rentnerscheibe", pensioner windshield) look like shit, steal top speed and you can't see anything in the rain.

In short: Leave the windshield off, whether small, medium or large.
Ok, get all of your simply valid points. No argument there.

I am 6 2 and do not do high speeds on two wheels anymore. Done decades of proper racing and got it properly out of my system
The scoots are for relaxed fun and local runabout.
For larger distances I have a car.

With the small fly screen I get as much wind at my face as without but I do get less wind in the parachute; less pull on my arms which I certainly noticed while recovering with a ti shoulder replacement.

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Petrus wrote:
Ok, get all of your simply valid points. No argument there.

I am 6 2 and do not do high speeds on two wheels anymore. Done decades of proper racing and got it properly out of my system
The scoots are for relaxed fun and local runabout.
For larger distances I have a car.

With the small fly screen I get as much wind at my face as without but I do get less wind in the parachute; less pull on my arms which I certainly noticed while recovering with a ti shoulder replacement.
Personally, I find it more pleasant when the pressure of the airstream is distributed over as large an area as possible than when the pressure is concentrated in the upper area (head). Especially if you have health challenges, I find it more difficult if the pressure is concentrated on the upper body. But ultimately this is certainly a subjective feeling. In the end, you have to do it the way that works best for you.
Perhaps one option is to shorten a large windshield in several steps so that the maximum wind flow is directed over you. Tip: Place a thin cushion underneath and shorten step by step as soon as you think it is short enough or slightly too short, remove the cushion and you're done.
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That's what I did (almost the same).
I got the Givi tall screen. Sat up straight, put a mark on the shield level with my eyes. Got my brother to help verify by standing a few feet in front.
Cut it down to that spot. Perfect.
Lots of protection in rain and bad weather. No loud wind noise. Win/win.
I still have the Fly and Mid size screens on the shelf, but don't use them anymore since doing the custom job.

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Petrus wrote:
Nice unoffensive way to write that a larger windscreen can be like a sail pointing the wrong way ROFL emoticon
I actually wasn't saying or implying that at all. I was just saying that wind gusts can be nerve wracking with or without a windscreen.

I've been blown from one side of my lane to the other due to wind gusts, and I have the fly screen.
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SteelBytes wrote:
Does it look better without?
Yes. For me the benefits out way this neg.

When I first bought my GTS I would have 100% agreed. I now think the small wind screen helps balance the entire bike. Takes the focal point of the ol' hips...
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Shebalba wrote:
I've been blown from one side of my lane to the other due to wind gusts, and I have the fly screen.
Been blown about like a leaf without screen, two up by a huge speeding truck.
Scoots have their down sides.

And the looks are subjective. Mine looks ok I think

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All excellent points! Thanks to EVERYONE for sharing your experiences. They're invaluable. I'll definitely be getting a windscreen. In the meantime I've learnt to relax more whilst still being careful, and that also helps a lot. Tensing up certainly does not help. Thanks again!

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I can't imagine riding my Vespa without a windshield. I bought something like the links 3 years ago. the height is adjustable. it's great!
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The shape of the windscreen also makes a difference.
I used a 4" Klockwerks windscreen on my Streetglide(s) for 8yrs. Its shorter than the OEM but did a better job of moving the air (and bugs) over and around my Beanie helmet. It also provided a clearer view of the road, ie. looking over the windshield vs thru. Combined with the "batwing" the Streetglide was an awesome highway hauler.
Good times......
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Found several comparisons for the fly creen. Here a representative one:

Two observations:

2 dB more is over 50% more noise


5 mph up from 71 is a HÚGE gain and equally represents a serious reduction in pressure on the chest i.e. pull on the arms.

Obviously you can say that it is choose your poison, but the reduction in wind resistance also means equally improved fuel economy and that is not subject to preference.
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I am a big advocate of the midsized screens for all the reasons posted above.
I am routinely riding from the city out into the country at speeds above 50 mph. The fly screen just doesn't do it for me.

I had my dealer install the Vespa Midsized windscreen.

Bob Copeland
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Bob Copeland wrote:
I am a big advocate of the midsized screens for all the reasons posted above.
It remains personal preference of course but at least we now have sóme quantified data with the posted reasons.
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Bug (Dan) has 2 channels. I've asked him to return to the scooter channel as he is more of a comedian than his moto channel.

I got the Givi tall screen and cut it to my nose height. Less wind noise.
I can hear things around me much better. More hand protection. Mileage increased by 9 mpg which could mean I ride different when I can hear things better...dunno.
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windscreen or no windscreen - on my PE

Did not contemplate it before, but considering the reduced wind pressure, improved wind resistance on La Primavera am considering a fly screen on Blue.
Availeble is black, matt black, clear and grey. Think I dislike grey least.

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I like the look of the windscreen and have them on all three of my machines.

On the 50cc two stroke (Buddy): relatively tall windscreen, noticeably effective deflecting rain, small increase in top speed (high 30s mph), mild improvement in comfort at top speed. Nice but not necessary.

The 150cc: relatively tall windscreen, quite effective deflecting rain, probably helps on top speed but irrelevant as there is significant improvement in comfort at top speed (55 mph). Big improvement over 45mph. Necessary in my opinion unless not often used at full throttle.

The 460cc: medium sized adjustable screen that I never adjust, essential for comfort at speeds above 40 mph. Windscreen comes stock.
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1979 P200E (sold) / ZNEN Amore 150 (sold) / Genuine Buddy 170i / Genuine Stella 4T /Aprilia Sportcity One 50
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Location: Grand Rapids, MI
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I've had no screen, a short screen on the Stella and a tall screen on my ZNEN. I honestly liked the tall screen because all of the wind went up and over. The short screen on my Stella keeps the wind off my chest. On my P200E I rode with no screen and I can tell you at 65mph hornets are like bullets.

I will say that the screen on my wife's Buddy is just tall enough to push the wind into my face. It's the one windscreen that could be a little taller. So getting exactly the right size is important.

I will probably always have some sort of windscreen on my bike from now on.
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