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If you are going to use a milk cratet it has to be aquired/stolen and not bought.

I still have some left over from my younger days. That's thirty some

years ago. Oh shit I getting a little older now. Oh well.

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Welcome to the club Paul. You don't realize you're older and then all of a sudden, someone doesn't understand you when you say, "I'm tired of sounding like a broken record."

And I hate it when I talk to my students about something in my past, mention the year it happened, and I can see in their eyes that they are doing the math. Wha? emoticon Yip I'm old. But it beats the alternative. Razz emoticon

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Milk crates are the best
Menhir wrote:
Milk crates are cool and are the ultimate fashion accessory.
Many scooterists have yet to catch up, fashion wise.

I have two, both in designer black to match my scooter.

Us milk crate users should have a support group, except that we don't need any stinking support group.
I have had a milk crate on both my Vespa scooters, I also use the milk
crate as a holder for my Directors Chair in which I hang from the back.
My ET4 was great and now I ride an GTS 250ie with a matching crate.
See for yourself. My baskets are always held on with U-Clamps - 3 on the bottom and two on the front of the rear rack. I go shopping and carry heavy stuff, the front rack is a FACO which holds a case of water riding back from Costco 5 miles away.
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I've got a rattan basket for my LX

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Mir wrote:
I've go a rattan basket for my LX

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Classy! We have a winner!
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Really nice Mir, I haven't seen anything like that around here.
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Mir wrote:
I've go a rattan basket for my LX

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LOVE it.
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Mir wrote:
I've go a rattan basket for my LX
Watertight? Razz emoticon
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I used to have an old "Record Album size" milk crate on my Vespa,
But then people started putting their garbage in it as they walked by,
Fed up with emptying every day, I gave in and went back to a top case.

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thanks guys, as for the watertight, i actually have a red rain cover for it complete with straps and clips. It's an icon bike to me and i love it

Here is another pic of it

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I like having a top case that is lockable.

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Mir wrote:
thanks guys, as for the watertight, i actually have a red rain cover for it complete with straps and clips. It's an icon bike to me and i love it

Here is another pic of it

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Cool, how original....

seems odd at first (perhaps it's something that we are not familiar with) but somehow it does fit with Vespa.

I'm guessing the basket is custom made?
and what usually u put in it? helmet or bag?

Nerd emoticon
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As you can see by my avatar I was using my dog's carrier as a top case. It is slapped onto two pieces of wood bolted to the rear rack. I considered the milk crates but the ones I have say "property of..." I have since gotten Givi topcases since I do need to lock up my gear. The basket would allow more stuff to go shopping since the Givi is limited. My MP3 is the main shopper due to the rack configuration's ability to hold more weight and the pet carrier can hold a few baggetes without breaking them. Unfortunately I have to figure out how to get the dog carrier back on the scoot with the Givi carrier mounting plate in the way. On a side note, A local gal on a pink buddy 125 with a wicker basket on the front blew past my GTS on the freeway, probably doing 70mph. I keep wondering if she had her engine modified.
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basket :~)
Mir wrote:
I've got a rattan basket for my LX

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Love the basket in back. Where did you find it and how can I get one
(even if it is difficult to get!)

I'm in California so I could go online or call the store direct. Please let me know because the top case that came with mine is WAY too modern for me!

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Just FYI, check the date on the prior post...the poster hasn't been back on MV since....don't think you'll get an answer.
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