1. To be eligible, the scooter must be owned by a member of Modern Vespa in good standing,
who has been an MV member for more than 1 week
and who remains an unbanned MV member for the duration of the contest
2. It must be a modern (1990 or later) two-wheeler or three-wheeler
and be viewed by some as a scooter
3. It must be nominated by a post to the Nominations Thread,
by an MV member who does not own the scooter
4. It must be seconded by the scooter owner
It would be great if it could also be seconded by others who admire the scooter
5. I (L from Jersey) will set up small pictures (around 250 pixels in width) to help voters identify the scooters
The contestants are responsible for all other pictures and explanations of their scooters finer points (but help is available with the technical details)
I also recommend links to before & after pictures and the details of the work that was done
6. The contestants and the winner will be immortalized in the Scooter Contest Winners Thread
7. Once a scooter has won a monthly contest, it cannot be entered again for a year
8. The finalists cannot enter the next month's contest
9. Most important rule: no one should disparage any of the scooter entries!
* While very gentle constructive criticism is allowed,
please avoid the use of insulting or demeaning language.
* If you insult someone's scooter, you have insulted that member and can be banned!!
(and your scooter will be withdrawn from the contest, if it was entered)
Timing & Voting
1. The Nomination Thread will be open for new nominations between the 2nd and the 11th at 8:00 AM EST
2. The Run-off Poll will be open for voting between the 13th and the 21st at 8:00 AM EST
3. The Finalists will compete in the Official Voting Poll that will be open for voting between the 25th and the 31st at 8:00 AM EST
4. I hope to announce the winner on the 1st
⚠️ Last edited by TurtleGT on UTC; edited 2 times