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Ha! I lose the bet. Thanks for letting us know.
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'07 GTS-250ie - sold and gone
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Cincinnati John wrote:
I'm still thinking ignition. Did you give a bit of a tug on the wire? Could be at the coil end too...

Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
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Cincinnati John wrote:
Cincinnati John wrote:
I'm still thinking ignition. Did you give a bit of a tug on the wire? Could be at the coil end too...
I was thinking ignition the whole time too. I knew it was getting gas, just not spark. If I was more familiar with these goofy little engines I would have spotted the missing coil wire right away.

I'm still not sure if I'm going to keep it though. If my GTS were yours, what do you think you would ask for it? Considering the mileage, accessories, yada yada.
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Squonk76 wrote:
I'm still not sure if I'm going to keep it though.
Wow what 's pushing you that way?

Molto Verboso
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louisq wrote:
Squonk76 wrote:
I'm still not sure if I'm going to keep it though.
Wow what 's pushing you that way?
I think I'm a bit too rough on the poor thing. I don't live in the city. Most of my riding is 60 mph or better, since I'm a good 20 minutes or more from town, out in the country. I don't put put around city streets and only OCCASIONALLY hit higher speeds, I do the opposite. I use the freeway alot...The GTS isn't designed for that. I'm starting to think a proper motorcycle would be best for me.
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Why not keep your scoot and get a motor like a Kawasaki KLR 650.????
@pronto avatar

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Proper motorcycle?

Have you read the history behind the Vespa?

Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
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Pronto wrote:
Proper motorcycle?

Have you read the history behind the Vespa?
You mean the repair history of mine? Unfortunately, yes. Which is why I think the way I ride is a bit much for the thing.

Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
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trowel and cuffs wrote:
Why not keep your scoot and get a motor like a Kawasaki KLR 650.????
The same reason I don't buy a beach house in Florida to complement my home here in Michigan...$$$
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