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Well I finally was invited to join the club. Er wobble that is....
I put the Faco large on for the cool weather and was casually riding up the street at 25 mph and the front end started .....to.....WOBBLE! It's as many have reported specific to a speed range. It arrived at 3000 miles and this is the first time! I'm going to pop the windscreen off for a day and see what happens. Looks like I may need to break the one handed habit. It's especially disconcerting if I'm being casual and using the throttle rocker.
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Sorry to hear that you caught the disease too - my wobble is slight and not bad, need to add some heavy bar end weights eventually.

I like the link in your signature line!
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Is that a Piaggio recommended tyre, and was it balanced?
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jimc wrote:
Is that a Piaggio recommended tyre, and was it balanced?
Piaggio recommended size, Heidenau K58 balanced and without wobble for over 2000 miles....but I will check to see if the weights are still in place.

Thanks Jim!
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Geo-Vesp wrote:
I like the link in your signature line!
A pretty wild band! I about fell off the couch laughing!
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Check your tire pressures also. My wabble is hardly noticible unless my tire pressures are low.
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Zagato wrote:
Check your tire pressures also. My wabble is hardly noticible unless my tire pressures are low.
that's a weekly event, but a good reminder I haven't this week and temperatures have turned much cooler!

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The only time I've experienced the wobble with my OEM GT200 was at 35 mph on decel when there was over 10# of weight on the rear rack.

Molto Verboso
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Re: Was it Jess that said they all wobble?
louisq wrote:
Well I finally was invited to join the club. Er wobble that is....
I put the Faco large on for the cool weather and was casually riding up the street at 25 mph and the front end started .....to.....WOBBLE! It's as many have reported specific to a speed range. It arrived at 3000 miles and this is the first time! I'm going to pop the windscreen off for a day and see what happens. Looks like I may need to break the one handed habit. It's especially disconcerting if I'm being casual and using the throttle rocker.
IMO one of the main causes (although not the only one) of ~wobble~ on a GT/GTS chassis is extra weight on the high part of the front end. I replaced my heavy chrome mirrors with lower, lighter ones, and the ~wobble~ just about disappeared. Then, after I took the Vespa flyscreen off, the scoot handled even that much more like it was on rails!

But fairly soon here in rapidly cooling NJ I'm gonna hafta install my cut-down-to-mid high windshield, and I'd be willing to bet some more of that ~wobble~ will return...

I also noticed that the Givi topcase, when installed on the back rack, decreases the handling a bit also! I suspect Vespa originally tested this chassis for stability on a stripped down body, without mirrors or winshield or front luggage rack or topcase, and said it was perfect...
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I didn't have the wobble until I switched to the Pirelli tires from the stock Savas. Then I got a pair of heavy bar ends but no bolts to attach them with. Lucky for me LouisQ was kind enough to mail me a set of bolts so I could attach them. The wobble is suppressed but not gone. Even with one hand it isn't too bad.
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