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just wondering if it is possible to put a muffler/silencer from a gts250 on a 150 leader engine?
i know they have diff connection, but is it possible to chop and weld it together to make it fit?
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Why would you do that?????
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well... depending on the tools at your disposal i'd say that really... anything s possible. however, you'd be miles ahead purchasing a specifc exhaust for your application.


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I know a few people who had modified a Leo Vince 4road pipe from a GTS to fit their LX150. So it is possible.

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reason im thinking about changing is that my 150 muffler is stuffed and i have a 250 muffler in the shed...

other than sounding diff, will there be any difference in performance or is each muffler designed specifically for each engine
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If the 250 pipe you have is stock then I wouldn't bother.

the differences you'll have to address are:
1. header pipe is different diameter
2. mounting bracket is different
3. position of the exhaust port on the head is different

Point is if the goal is to save money the above will run you more than a new sito+ exhaust. If the goal is to have an LV pipe on the LX even though they don't make one then go for it.
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Just buy a Sito Plus. Much easier.
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vinavespa wrote:
I know a few people who had modified a Leo Vince 4road pipe from a GTS to fit their LX150. So it is possible.
Can you tell more about those please?
Do you have pictures?
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