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Temporarily Scooterless... :(
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It seems to be a well accepted fact that the speedometer on most Vespas aren't exactly accurate.

Would there be any reason to assume that as a result of that, that our odometers, as well as ability to figure out correct mpg/etc, would be affected by that inaccuracy as well?

The speedometer/odometer are run off of the same cable as far as I know.

Just wonderin'

Desi B.

Molto Verboso
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Though my Vespa GT speedometer is incredably inaccurate, the odometer seems to be right on when checking it against the highway mileposts on trips up to 150 miles.
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For legal reasons speedometers are optimistic , while odometers are spot on
A GM spokeswoman had no comment because GM had not yet seen the lawsuits. The damages being sought in the suits include the obvious replacement of the speedometers and reimbursement of repair fees, but also goes so far as to call for compensation for any speeding tickets or increased insurance fees for people caught speeding with one of the affected vehicles.
The lawsuit charges that Honda odometers roll up the miles too quickly - meaning warranties expire too soon and lease customers have to pay for miles they didn't drive. A proposed solution affects Honda and Acura owners.
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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not happy with your speedo try one of these


will also fix the fabled clock problems
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The speedometer works off of a magnet/coils. The odometer is hard cabled. The odometer is reliable.

The speedometer needle is built by Fins... and we all know that "All Fins are wizards" (sorry, that part was a bit random).
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