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UPDATE 02/05/11 Sidecase racks being sold on twisted throttle are only for 125 and 250 MP3's. They are selling item #7268. They have mistakenly labeled their ad to include the 400 as compatible however per the factory website for the racks, the 400 should get item #7274 or else they could have compatibility issues with the #7268 and their 400 air filter housing hitting each other.

Here's a current/updated link to the factory website of the accessories http://fehling.de/index.php?content=preise&markenid=9&lang=eng

And a GERMAN reseller of many different MP3 accessories we don't commonly see in the USA is http://www.krueger-gmbh.com/kiss/catalog/KeywordSearch.do;jsessionid=A140769FD6896FEA873581FF79C5A2E9?actionMode=selectContentSearchList&value=piaggio+mp3&searchListOffset=1

UPDATE 03/30/09 twistedthrottle.com now carries the sideracks for the 250/400 and I have PDF copy of install instructions (in German) PM if you want a copy.

UPDATE 11/06/08**** I am having troubles with the German seller listed below (http://www.rollershop.de) and would NOT recommend buying from them at this time. The side case mounts I purchased were received without a set of brackets that are one of three securing points for the mount to the scoot. They are currently denying responsibility to either send.get me the missing pieces or refund my money.

After doing some more searching, I've found the manufacturer of the luggage rack and side case mounts is http://fehling.de and they do list importers around the world including US importer

Two Wheel Touring, LLC
Tel. +1 (0) 651 699 6477
Email: info@twtouring.com
Internet: www.twtouring.com

Two Wheel Touring's website says they carry the line of chrome rails from Fehling. The MP3 would be a OTHER model and therefore they need to be contacted for a quote in US dollar.
END UPDATE**************************

This is a list from a German wholesaler..translated using google.

Original German link http://www.krueger-gmbh.com/kiss/catalog/Catalog.jsp;jsessionid=D7A95AF833C87953CC21D401B72DB643?actionMode=selectContentSelectorDetail&selectorProductId=(%5bPiaggio+MP3+250+%2f+2006%5d)&selectorProductListOffset=1

OF PARTICULAR interest to some may be the rear chrome luggage rack and chrome sidecases rack. FYI, it took 2 1/2 weeks transit time to receive from Germany to California.

The wholesaler does not sell directly but directed me to one of their re-sellers who will ship to the USA:
Ersatzteil - Versand, Zweirad-Meisterbetrieb
Fax 0049 53 24 / 77 38 02
rollershop.de e.K.
Hauptstr. 36
D-38690 Vienenburg
HRA-BS 110432

Exhaust systems' spare parts
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
625672 Auspuff Dämmwolle Rep.Satz Exhaust Dämmwolle Rep.Satz
666120 Auspuff Dämmwolle Exhaust Dämmwolle

Auspuffanlagen » Sonstiges Exhaust »Other
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
514020 Auspufflack schwarz 400ml bis 650 Grad Auspufflack black 400ml to 650 degrees

Auspuffanlagen » Standard / Seriennah Exhaust systems "standard / Seriennah
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
627432 Auspuff Piaggio X8-250 Leo 4-Road E Exhaust Piaggio X8-250 Leo Road 4-E

Batterien » Wartungsfrei Batteries »Maintenance Free
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
502140 Batterie 12V 12AH-YTX14-BS Varta Wartung 12V-12Ah battery YTX14-BS Varta maintenance

Bekleidung » Scootermäntel Clothing "Scooter Coats
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
270622 Scootermantel No. Scooter No. mantle. 62
270920 Scootermantel Sozius (groß) No. Scooter pillion coat (large) no. 092

Bremsen » Beläge / Backen Brakes' pads / shoes
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
742490 Bremsbelag MCB 695 Brake lining MCB 695
747820 Bremsbelag MCB 782 LF Lucas Brake lining MCB 782 LF Lucas

Drosselung » Sonstiges Throttling »Other
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
440020 Umbausatz Piaggio MP3 250 auf PKW Conversion Kit Piaggio MP3 250 on car

Elektrik » Alarmanlage Electrics' alarm
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
520210 Warnblinkanlage zum Nachrüsten a.Modelle Hazard warning lamps for retrofitting a.Modelle
579980 Alarmanlage Scooter/Motorrad Scooter alarm / Motorcycle

Elektrik » Blinker / Beleuchtung Electrical »Flasher / lighting
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
205010 Blinkerpiepser 6/12 Volt Universal Blinkerpiepser 6 / 12 volt Universal
571790 Neonlicht blau 100mm 100mm blue neon light
571820 Neonlicht rot 100mm 100mm red neon light
572490 LED Schrauben blau M6x18 (Set 2Stck.) Blue LED screws M6x18 (Set 2Stck.)
572500 LED Schrauben rot M6x18 (Set 2Stck.) M6x18 screws red LED (Set 2Stck.)
574090 Neon Cord Light rot Cord Neon Light red
574244 Neonlicht rot 300mm wasserdicht Fluorescent red 300mm waterproof
574246 Neonlicht blau 300mm wasserdicht Fluorescent blue 300mm waterproof
574500 LED Laser Lampe 35cm blau LED laser light blue 35cm
574504 LED Laser Lampe 35cm rot LED 35cm red laser light

Elektrik » Schalter Electrical »Switches
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
072055 Kill Switch (Notaus) Kill Switch (emergency exit)
575640 Killschalter blau Killschalter blue
575650 Killschalter rot Killschalter red
575660 Killschalter carbon Killschalter carboxylic

Elektrik » Sonstiges Electrical »Other
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
249080 Hupe 12 Volt Zweiklang Two 12-volt horn sounds

Karosserie » Griffe Body 'attacks
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
022012 Griffe-Moosgummi alle Roller schwarz Rubber handles all-black scooter
070001 Heizgriffe Daytona 22mm Lenker Heizgriffe Daytona 22mm handlebars
074000 Griffe-Moosgummi Automatic-Scooter m.Chr Rubber handles-Automatic Scooter m.Chr
075000 Griffe-O-Ring Automatic-Scooter Handles O-ring Automatic Scooter
076000 Madenschrauben für O-Ring Griffe VPE 6 Maggots screws for O-ring handles PU 6
077000 Griffe Carbon Automatik-Scooter Carbon-automatic assault Scooter
092042 Griffe TNT Flammen grau TNT handles gray flames
092044 Griffe TNT Flammen rot TNT handles red flames
092045 Griffe TNT Flammen gelb TNT handles yellow flames
092046 Griffe TNT Flammen blau TNT handles blue flame
092048 Griffe TNT Flammen orange TNT handles orange flames
093052 Griffe Feuer schwarz Handles black fire
093054 Griffe Feuer grau Fire gray assaults
187192 Griffe Scooter Superbike schwarz-grau Handles Scooter Superbike black-gray
187194 Griffe Scooter Superbike schwarz-rot Handles Scooter Superbike black-red
187195 Griffe Scooter Superbike schwarz-blau Handles Scooter Superbike black and blue
187196 Griffe Scooter Superbike schwarz-gelb Handles Scooter Superbike black and yellow
187242 Griffe Scooter RoadDual schwarz-schwarz Handles Scooter Road dual black-black
187244 Griffe Scooter RoadDual schwarz-rot Handles Scooter Road dual black-red
187245 Griffe Scooter RoadDual schwarz-gelb Handles Scooter Road dual black and yellow
187246 Griffe Scooter RoadDual schwarz-blau Handles Scooter Road dual black and blue
187612 Griffe Scooter Dual/Chrom schwarz-schw. Scooter dual handles and chrome, black and black.
187614 Griffe Scooter Dual/Chrom schwarz-rot Scooter dual handles and chrome, black and red
187615 Griffe Scooter Dual/Chrom schwarz-gelb Scooter dual handles and chrome, black and yellow
187616 Griffe Scooter Dual/Chrom schwarz-blau Scooter dual handles and chrome, black and blue
187617 Griffe Scooter Dual/Chrom schwarz-grün Scooter dual handles and chrome, black and green
187682 Griffe Scooter Dual schwarz-schwarz Dual handles Scooter black-black
187684 Griffe Scooter Dual schwarz-rot Dual handles Scooter black-red
187685 Griffe Scooter Dual schwarz-gelb Scooter handles dual black and yellow
187686 Griffe Scooter Dual schwarz-blau Scooter handles dual black and blue
187687 Griffe Scooter Dual schwarz-grün Scooter handles dual black and green
187892 Griffe Scooter Single schwarz Single black handles Scooter
584162 Griffe Scooter GP schwarz Scooter black handles GP

Karosserie » Spiegel Body »mirror
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
046811 Spiegel Piaggio MP3 links Mirror Piaggio MP3 links
046812 Spiegel Piaggio MP3 rechts Mirror Piaggio MP3 right

Karosserie » Sturzbügel Body 'overthrow Ironing
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
777269 Sturzbügel Piaggio MP3 125-250vorn chrom Ironing overthrow Piaggio MP3 125-chrome 250vorn
777270 Sturzbügel Piaggio MP3 125-250 hi. chrom Ironing overthrow Piaggio MP3 125-250 hi chrome

Motor + Antrieb » Filter Motor + drive "Filters
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
301240 Benzinfilter 8mm Gasoline filter 8mm

Motor + Antrieb » Kickstarter Motor + drive "Kick Starter
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
636150 Kickstarter Piaggio 125-250 4T Kick starter Piaggio 125-250 4T

Reifen » Sonstiges Tires »Other
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
582011 Reifenreparatur-Pannenset +3 Gasflaschen Tire repair breakdown +3 cylinders

Reisezubehör » Gepäckträger Travel Accessories »porter
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
591062 Rückenlehne Piaggio MP3 Backrest Piaggio MP3
591080 Gepäckträger Piaggio MP3 hinten Givi Piaggio MP3 porters rear GIVI
777267 Gepäckträger Piaggio MP3 hinten chrom Piaggio MP3 porters rear chrome
777268 Kofferhalter Piaggio MP3 chrom li/rechts Piaggio MP3 suitcase holder chrome li / right

Reisezubehör » Top-Case Travel Accessories »Top Case
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
159001 Top Case Coliseum 48 Ltr. silber Top Case Coliseum 48 Ltr silver
159002 Top Case Coliseum 48 Ltr. schwarz Top Case Coliseum 48 Ltr black
590211 Koffer Piaggio MP3 silber (Set) Givi Piaggio MP3 silver suitcase (set) GIVI
590212 Koffer Piaggio MP3 schwarz (Set) Givi Piaggio MP3 black suitcase (set) GIVI
590262 Top Case 26 Liter Givi schwarz Top Case 26 liter black GIVI
590331 Top Case 33 Liter Givi silber Top Case 33 liters GIVI silver
590332 Top Case 33 Liter Givi schwarz Top Case 33 liters GIVI black
590451 Top Case 45 Liter Givi silber Top Case 45 liters GIVI silver
590452 Top Case 45 Liter Givi schwarz Top Case 45 liters GIVI black
590710 Top Case Rückenlehne für 590262 Top case back for 590262
590780 Top Case Rückenlehne für 590332 Top case back for 590332
590840 Top Case Rückenlehne für 590452 Top case back for 590452
591130 Top Case Platte Givi Monolock Top Case plate GIVI Monolock
591140 Haltekit zu Koffer 59021X Haltekit suitcase to 59021X
591400 Schloßsatz Givi Top Case Castle sentence GIVI Top Case
780111 Top Case Schlossplatte SH42 Top Case lock plate SH42

Reisezubehör » Windschutz Travel Accessories »windscreens
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
233400 Windschutz Piaggio MP3 hoch Fabbri Piaggio MP3 windscreens high Fabbri
233430 Windschutz Piaggio MP3 halbhoch Fabbri Piaggio MP3 windscreens half Fabbri
595010 Windschutz Piaggio MP3 GIVI mit ABE Piaggio MP3 GIVI windshields with ABE
595020 Windschutz Piaggio MP3 GIVI mit ABE get. Windbreak Piaggio MP3 GIVI get with ABE

Werkstattausrüstung » Spezialwerkzeug Workshop equipment "special tool
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
635442 Haltewerkzeug Riemenscheibe Piaggio 250 Retaining pulley tool Piaggio 250

Werkstattausrüstung » Werkstattbedarf Workshop equipment "workshop supplies
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
190120 Reiniger Blitz Blank 150ml Lightning Blank cleaner 150ml
456060 Handreinigungs-Gel 600ml Hand cleaning gel 600ml
456061 Handreinigungs-Gel 4,5 Liter Hand cleaning gel 4.5 liters
456062 Handreiniger Spender V2A Hand cleaners donor V2A
531608 Clipleiste für Stecknüsse 1/2 Clipleiste for plug nuts 1 / 2
532140 Messer Universal mit autom. Universal knife with automatic. Rückzug Retreat
534010 Reifenmontagepaste 5 Kg Eimer Tire mounting paste bucket 5 kg
535000 Klebeband Gewebe 50mmx50m Tape tissue 50mmx50m
536000 Klebeband selbstverschweißend 19mmx10m Tape selbstverschweißend 19mmx10m
560564 Allzweckfett 80gr Multi-Purpose Grease 80gr
560567 Allzweckoel 100ml Allzweckoel 100ml
560589 Graphit 50ml Graphite 50ml
561112 Oelkanne 250 ml Fasting 250 ml
562112 Fettpresse und 50gr Fett Press 50gr fat and fat
562361 Trichter 100ml Funnel 100ml
562363 Trichter 250ml Funnel 250ml
562630 Fettpresse 500cm3 Fat 500cm3 Press
564110 Mehrzweckwanne 7 Liter Multipurpose tray 7 liters
566766 Batteriewassernachfüllflasche 500ml Batteriewassernachfüllflasche 500ml
567162 Messbecher 100ml 100ml cup
567500 Messbecher 500 ml Measuring 500 ml
567501 Messbecher 1 Liter 1 liter jugs
584180 Messbecher für Mischungen 1/50 Measuring cup for mixing 1 / 50
690520 Bremsflüssigkeitstester Brake Tester
871163 Reifenmontagepaste 1 Kg Eimer Tire mounting paste 1 kg bucket
871164 Reifentalkum 500gr Reifentalkum 500gr
961106 Taschenlampe Lucido C4 Flashlight Lucido C4
961111 Taschenlampe Lucido C7 Flashlight Lucido C7
961120 Taschenlampe Lucido PALight Lucido flashlight PALight

Zubehör » Aufkleber Accessories »stickers
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
150210 Anstecknadel PIAGGIO Pin PIAGGIO

Zündanlage » Zündkabel Ignition system "Ignition
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
072077 Zündkabel Silicon rot 1mtr. Ignition Silicon 1mtr red. 7mm
587700 Zündkabel a 10 mtr. Ignition a 10 mtr. 7mm

Zündanlage » Zündkerzenstecker Ignition system "Spark plug
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
029982 Zündkerzenstecker Gummi schwarz Spark plug black rubber
688011 Zündkerzenstecker-Racing NGK 90 Grad Male-Racing Spark Plugs NGK 90 degrees
688051 Zündkerzenstecker NGK LB05F 43202 NGK Spark plug LB05F 43202
688052 Zündkerzenstecker NGK LB05E NGK Spark plug LB05E
688082 Zündkerzenstecker NGK YB05F 120° NGK Spark plug YB05F 120 °
688408 Zündkerzenstecker NGK VB05E 120° NGK Spark plug VB05E 120 °
730050 Zündkerzenstecker Champion (90°) Spark plug Champion (90 °)

Öle / Pflegeprodukte » Pflege-Produkte Oils / Care »Care Products
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
080510 Kratzer Entferner QUIXX Repair System Scratch Remover QUIXX Repair System
450070 Kabelspray 200 ml Cable Spray 200 ml
450150 Silicon Spray 500 ml Silicone Spray 500 ml
450200 Teflon Spray 200ml Putoline Teflon spray 200ml Putoline
451001 Reiniger Dirt Bike Super Clean Pro 1 Ltr Cleaner Dirt Bike Super Clean per 1 liter
451005 Oktan Booster Putoline 1 ltr Octane booster Putoline 1 ltr
451010 Action Fluid-1Ltr-Luftfilteroel Action Fluid 1Ltr-Luftfilteroel
451110 Vergaserreiniger 500ml PUTOLINE Carburetor cleaner 500ml PUTOLINE
455001 Bremsenreiniger 500ml Cleaners braking 500ml
455030 Kontaktspray 1001 Mehrzwecköl-500ml Contact 1001 Mehrzwecköl-spray 500ml
456531 Winteradditiv für Benzinmotoren 220ml Winter additive for gasoline engines 220ml

Öle / Pflegeprodukte » Sonstiges Oils / Care »Other
Artikelnummer SKU Artikelbezeichnung Item Title
450090 Kühlflüssigkeit Coolant 1-Liter Putoline Coolant coolant 1-liter Putoline
450450 Bremsflüssigkeit sythetisch DOT-4 250ml Synthetic brake fluid DOT-4 250ml
451006 Rollenfett Variorollen White-Greace-1kg Role fat rolls Vario White Greace-1kg
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@smrf avatar

Molto Verboso
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UPDATE 11/06/08
I am having troubles with the German seller listed in my original post (http://www.rollershop.de) and would NOT recommend buying from them at this time. The side case mounts I purchased were received without a set of brackets that are one of three securing points for the mount to the scoot. They are currently denying responsibility to either send/get me the missing pieces or refund my money.

After doing some more searching, I've found the manufacturer of the luggage rack and side case mounts is http://fehling.de and they do list importers around the world including US importer Two Wheel Touring, LLC
Tel. +1 (0) 651 699 6477
Email: info@twtouring.com
Internet: www.twtouring.com

Two Wheel Touring's website says they carry the line of chrome rails from Fehling. The MP3 would be a OTHER model and therefore they need to be contacted for a quote in US dollar.
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Puch SRA150, MP3 400, Moto Guzzi 750 Nevada, BMW K75S
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Re: UPDATE 11/06/08
smrf wrote:
I am having troubles with the German seller listed in my original post (ROLLERTEILE - MOTORRADTEILE- TUNING- ZUBEHÖR) .
That's not the seller, but what he sells:
scooter parts, motorcycle parts, tuning and accessories...


Trevor G
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Re: UPDATE 11/06/08
The seller http://www.rollershop.de sent me an incomplete order..missing parts but is telling me "too bad" I sent you what you got... the problem is with the seller and at this time I cannot recommend them.
Trevor_G wrote:
smrf wrote:
I am having troubles with the German seller listed in my original post (ROLLERTEILE - MOTORRADTEILE- TUNING- ZUBEHÖR) .
That's not the seller, but what he sells:
scooter parts, motorcycle parts, tuning and accessories...


Trevor G
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Rollerteile means Scooterparts and probabely is not the company name.

I know several scooter part companies in Germany, PM me the link and I can help you with their real name and if I know them I can tell you what I think about them.
@smrf avatar

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Ah, I see what the prior post meant now... the seller's URL as listed above is http://www.rollershop.de And I'll just refer to them by their url from now on. Thanks for the clarification.
Dutchman wrote:
Rollerteile means Scooterparts and probabely is not the company name.

I know several scooter part companies in Germany, PM me the link and I can help you with their real name and if I know them I can tell you what I think about them.
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The "Rollershop" is a very well known and respected scooter parts and accesories shop in Germany.
I have purchased many things from them when I still had my Vespa's.
I think the problem is that they do not have much experience with selling overseas.

I hope you get things sorted out with them

BTW Rollershop means Scooter shop. In Germany a Scooter is a Roller
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I appreciate they have a good reputation in Germany but can't excuse their bad service on lack of overseas sales since the sales part went mostly smoothly..it's the fact that upon receipt of my order I was missing key mounting hardware and when I contacted the Rollershop, they basically said they sent me what I ordered. They only finally assisted me after a week of complaining when I filed a complaint with Paypal did Rollershop offer to get me the missing parts from their supplier. We'll if/when those parts show up.
Dutchman wrote:
The "Rollershop" is a very well known and respected scooter parts and accesories shop in Germany.
I have purchased many things from them when I still had my Vespa's.
I think the problem is that they do not have much experience with selling overseas.

I hope you get things sorted out with them

BTW Rollershop means Scooter shop. In Germany a Scooter is a Roller
⬆️    About 5 months elapsed    ⬇️
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Twistedthrottle.com now carries the sideracks for the 250/400. http://www.twistedthrottle.com/trade/productview/3939/728/
@thunderscoot avatar

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@thunderscoot avatar
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smrf wrote:
Twistedthrottle.com now carries the sideracks for the 250/400. http://www.twistedthrottle.com/trade/productview/3939/728/
Any idea if those sideracks would interfere with a Piaggio topcase and mount??
@smrf avatar

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My luggage rack and topcase is from the same manufacturer of the sideracks and I'm not familair with the Piaggio mount/topcase...I would suggest contacting TwistedThrottle and see what they say. They don't sell the Piaggio mount case but they sell the Givi mount so maybe they could tell you compatability. I can tell you that the sideracks are advertised for the E21s sidecases but will actually hold any GIVI sidecases, in fact I have E41s on the Smrfmobile.

ALSO, if you look at the twistedthrottle site again for the sideracks and open the PDF file of the mounting instructions there is a picture (Bild 7268_M2) of how the 'cross bar' mounts under the backrest pad. Look at it yourself to see if it would work/conflict with the Piaggio case.

Hope that helps. The sideracks and luggage rack and well made. I recommend them.
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I'm very interested in this, but like Thunderscoot I have a Piaggio topcase and worry about the side-bag mounting hardware interfering with the topcase bracket (or vice-versa).
@smrf avatar

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Since I don't know the attachment points of the Piaggio case I would highly recommend looking at the above post for the link again to the website on twistedthrottle and looking carefully at the pic of the mount under the backrest pad to see if it would be compatible or not. There are also pics of the mounting points that go under the side panels.
ramblerdan wrote:
I'm very interested in this, but like Thunderscoot I have a Piaggio topcase and worry about the side-bag mounting hardware interfering with the topcase bracket (or vice-versa).
@thunderscoot avatar

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@thunderscoot avatar
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smrf wrote:
My luggage rack and topcase is from the same manufacturer of the sideracks and I'm not familair with the Piaggio mount/topcase...I would suggest contacting TwistedThrottle and see what they say. They don't sell the Piaggio mount case but they sell the Givi mount so maybe they could tell you compatability. I can tell you that the sideracks are advertised for the E21s sidecases but will actually hold any GIVI sidecases, in fact I have E41s on the Smrfmobile.

ALSO, if you look at the twistedthrottle site again for the sideracks and open the PDF file of the mounting instructions there is a picture (Bild 7268_M2) of how the 'cross bar' mounts under the backrest pad. Look at it yourself to see if it would work/conflict with the Piaggio case.

Hope that helps. The sideracks and luggage rack and well made. I recommend them.
Thank you Greatly for the info and by the looks of it the racks might not interfere with the mount for Piaggio seeing I have the mount and topcase in the house waiting to be installed. Mothernature is NOT being cooperative with getting my Scoot outa storage as of yet though.... Crying or Very sad emoticon Also I checked out your site with the mods of your MP3 and it definitely has an even more unique look... which I think is Great... Any chance you might have a pic or 2 with the top and side cases on at the same time? I've tried looking for an MP3 with all of them but no luck as of yet. One last thing I wonder how it would be with the E41s and 2 up....
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I have the sidecases off right now but will throw them on this weekend and take some pics for you. With the E41's on I lose about 5MPH off my top speed due to drag and about 5 MPG. If you look at my fuelly link in my sig file you can link over to my fuel consumption and MPG and you'll see a jump in the last few fuel ups I did. I was riding with the topcase and sidecases daily since I got them but in the last week or so thought about seeing what it did to take the sidecases off. My average top speed with the E41's on while traveling on flat highway was 67ish according to my GPS. I'm hitting around 73 and much acceleration is faster. If you're considering the E41's look at the dimensions before you buy them as they really are big and you might have concern depending on fast you take curves/how far you lean, since I have the Tow Pak kit, I don't lean so having big sidecases was no concern for me. The sidecases came in great when I went to L.A. and only on overnighter trips will I likely put the E41's on again but that's fine. I did buy the scoot for doing some touring and that is why I bought big sidecases. The topcase does me good for daily use.

BTW, our temps this week is 70 and this weekend is forecast to hit 74!!
Thunderscoot wrote:
Thank you Greatly for the info and by the looks of it the racks might not interfere with the mount for Piaggio seeing I have the mount and topcase in the house waiting to be installed. Mothernature is NOT being cooperative with getting my Scoot outa storage as of yet though.... Crying or Very sad emoticon Also I checked out your site with the mods of your MP3 and it definitely has an even more unique look... which I think is Great... Any chance you might have a pic or 2 with the top and side cases on at the same time? I've tried looking for an MP3 with all of them but no luck as of yet. One last thing I wonder how it would be with the E41s and 2 up....
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smrf wrote:
BTW, our temps this week is 70 and this weekend is forecast to hit 74!!
Thanks Again for the info!!!!

And Thanks for RUBBING it in.... Razz emoticon Laughing emoticon
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Just had to brag! One of many reasons I love the bay area. But hey I know what cold is, I rode all winter.
Thunderscoot wrote:
smrf wrote:
BTW, our temps this week is 70 and this weekend is forecast to hit 74!!
Thanks Again for the info!!!!

And Thanks for RUBBING it in.... Razz emoticon Laughing emoticon
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smrf wrote:
Just had to brag! One of many reasons I love the bay area. But hey I know what cold is, I rode all winter.
Thunderscoot wrote:
smrf wrote:
BTW, our temps this week is 70 and this weekend is forecast to hit 74!!
Thanks Again for the info!!!!

And Thanks for RUBBING it in.... Razz emoticon Laughing emoticon
I have no problems with the cold.... Before putting the MP3 into storage I was riding it all the time even in the mornings when it was -7 C or 20 F. It's the snow and the ice rain we have gotten in the last few days that make it impossible to get the MP3 into and out of the shed so she sits in a warm storage place for now.

BTW that is some mighty nice coutry in your neck of the woods... My Wife and I were down through Vegas and the Bay area in 2007 on a Road trip to explore... Planning such a trip again on the MP3 in a couple of years.

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Bay Area Cold?

When you say you know cold, you should really explain that this winter it hasn't dipped much below freezing the entire time. I would think that some of our fellow riders would consider that to be balmy.

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Re: Bay Area Cold?
True this has been a mild winter but I've spent some time in BC (Canada) during the winter before and I did ride from bay area to L.A. at 0100 ...without my jacket and pants liner...trust me that got cold. 35 degrees before adding 65 MPH windchill... and stupid me without my liners...

BUT, hey RICK, how's the conditioning going?
rdudley wrote:

When you say you know cold, you should really explain that this winter it hasn't dipped much below freezing the entire time. I would think that some of our fellow riders would consider that to be balmy.

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I looked at the photos but think the only way to be sure is to try the install. Will order a set if the vendor allows return of (undamaged) brackets if they don't fit.

Just took a long, overnight ride last weekend and would have dearly loved sidebags!
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Thunderscoot wrote:
Any chance you might have a pic or 2 with the top and side cases on at the same time? I've tried looking for an MP3 with all of them but no luck as of yet. One last thing I wonder how it would be with the E41s and 2 up....
I don't know whose MP3 this is (I've been collecting peoples pics and using them as a screen saver). I believe this is the same rack. Apologies to whomever I stole these pics from.
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
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Yes, those are the same sideracks.
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PICS as promised
Different views of my E41's.
side view
side view
rear view
rear view
view including E41 and topcase
view including E41 and topcase
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WOW.... E41s are just about as big as a topcase aren't they... I would have thought they would have been longer and taller so that they would not be so wide. Now I see your concern with leaning without a towpack. Still it is a doable option.

Ramblerdan, if you wouldn't mind letting me know how it works out IF you decide to go ahead with the order on the sideracks. I'd appreciate any more info you could provide.

Thanks to Smrf, Ramblerdan and Glow Guy.... it's people like you and the Many others on this forum that make questions actually entertaining and not just informative.

Update on weather..... About 36 F or 3 C today with sun, but still have 2 feet of Snow in front of where my Scoot will reside when she comes outa storage. I've even taken the snowblower out to try and spread it out a bit but still it hangs in there..... Livid emoticon Livid emoticon
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THUNDERSCOOT: for perspective my topcase is 48 liters and the E41's are 41 liters each. They are almost as big as the topcase.
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End of April!
Apparently Scootertrap underestimated the number of attachment kits they would sell ... I ordered a kit (and a set of E21 sidecases) last Friday, and the sale went though fine. Today I get an e-mail stating they won't ship until April 29. Boo!
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Re: End of April!
Scootertrap carries them now too? Or did you mean twistedthrottle?
ramblerdan wrote:
Apparently Scootertrap underestimated the number of attachment kits they would sell ... I ordered a kit (and a set of E21 sidecases) last Friday, and the sale went though fine. Today I get an e-mail stating they won't ship until April 29. Boo!
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Oops sorry, I meant TwistedThrottle.
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Did you try helmetheadcyclegear.com for your E21's? They guarantee lowest prices on Givi products and include FREE shipping in continental US.
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No joy. They don't carry the mounting hardware. Their price for the bags themselves is the same as TwistedThrottle's, though because of the free shipping I'd go with them if they had the hardware.
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I'm surprised you took the gamble to order the sideracks and cases at the same time unsure that the sideracks will go with your existing Piaggio topcase...but I hope it works. The sideracks are nice and VERY handy.

FYI, I forgot to mention if anyone wants I have a PDF copy of the sideracks install instructions (in German only). PM if you want a copy.

I used google translate on the instructions than printed them when I installed mine...however the instructions are still pretty sketchy and I never did figure out how to remove the upper body panels...
ramblerdan wrote:
No joy. They don't carry the mounting hardware. Their price for the bags themselves is the same as TwistedThrottle's, though because of the free shipping I'd go with them if they had the hardware.
⬆️    About 2 months elapsed    ⬇️
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Received my E21s and mounting kit from TwistedThrottle. Ordered in March, delivered in June! Not TwistedThrottle's fault, apparently; the German manufacturer takes its sweet time in delivering product.

The mounting kit interferes just a little bit with the Piaggio topcase mounting kit, but not enough to cause a problem. I was unimpressed by the engineering of the mounting kit, though; the angles aren't quite right, putting stress on the fasteners.

Aside from being in German, the installation instructions are short on meaningful illustrations, and one photo shows another set of bars that aren't part of the kit. And there was a fair amount of hardware left over when I was done.

Dealing with the tupperware was the biggest pain. I break something every time I take that stuff apart.

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All you are missing is the kitchen sink or you can turn the seat into a toilet Laughing emoticon

Please dont tell me you tow a trailer with the MP3 250 as well.

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No kitchen sink here but ACTUALLY my 250 does have a tow ball/hitch mount option...not cause I wanted to tow anything though I could if I wanted to but I was designing a hitch mounted dog crate to take my pups with me when I ride somewhere.
scooterjon wrote:
All you are missing is the kitchen sink or you can turn the seat into a toilet Laughing emoticon

Please dont tell me you tow a trailer with the MP3 250 as well.

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You didn't know smrf has a hitch?
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Would be great to tow a trailer with the MP3!

Update 7/18
Glow Guy wrote:
I don't know whose MP3 this is (I've been collecting peoples pics and using them as a screen saver). I believe this is the same rack. Apologies to whomever I stole these pics from. :)
It was Craig Jones.

Loving the sidebags, BTW.
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Just had to bump this thread for the pure awesomeness that is the MP3 with sidecases. Razz emoticon
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I was told recently that Scooter Superstore of America http://www.vespamidtown.com/ has these sidecase racks at their Fairburn GA location. I have not had the opportunity to ride down and check them out in person. At least that is good news that the sidecase racks are starting to be picked up by local scooter shops.
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Glow Guy wrote:
I was told recently that Scooter Superstore of America http://www.vespamidtown.com/ has these sidecase racks at their Fairburn GA location. I have not had the opportunity to ride down and check them out in person. At least that is good news that the sidecase racks are starting to be picked up by local scooter shops.
In May Mike was telling me about them. Great if they now have in stock. Great shop with great people and lots of inventory.
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