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Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the group and just recently got interested in Vespas. I dropped by the Vespa dealer this afternoon and not a Vespa to be found. They did have some nice Guzzis, but I don't need another motorcycle.

The word is that the spike in oil prices caught Vespa off guard and that more stock will be available next month. Does that sound like the situation in other locations as well or are we destined to put our names down on waiting lists like we did for Harleys a dozen years ago?


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they are coming. some dealers just got them 2 weeks ago.
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Yikes - I stopped by there the other day and they looked a little barren, just didn't realize they were doing that good a business.

I suppose there is a plus and minus to a problem like that.

If you are still wanting to do a test ride you might want to try the Santa Fe Vespa folks, they should have some stock (I was there about 6 weeks ago and there were a fair number of scooters...)

Good luck,

Desi B.
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If you wait a little while, you will be rewarded:

The annual national Lambretta Club rally will be held in Albuquerque next June. Then you'll be able to see, hear and smell the 2-stroke smoke of REAL scooters.

I hope you have a modern scooter by then, but if you are like many of us, once you feel the Lambretta pride, you'll want one too.

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GTS 250ie, La Cola roja
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I just rode by Centaur on Cerrillos in Santa Fe and they have Vespa's available. When I was at the Vespa dealer in ABQ a bit ago they were low on Vespa's as well. Only had a couple in the showroom. But it was fun visiting the SMART CAR dealership next door! and then go to Sadie's.
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Mmmmm - Sadies.... (I long for the days it was in the bowling alley though - for awhile, it was the best New Mexican food in town!)

Desi B.

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You are only about 6 hours from Lubbock. I was at the dealer here a few days ago, and he had 5 or 6 in stock. I have yet to go to this dealer that he did not have several in stock.
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