This morning, about 3:30 am, while commuting to work on my MP3, I was hampered by a thick fog, the kind you can cut with a knife. Water beads ran off my face shield like rain and visibility was about twenty feet ahead. As a matter of fact, I had to follow a cager close enough so that I could see where I was going.
Was getting close to the airport where I work and I miss a left turn, so I slowed down to an "almost" stop when I noticed a cager right behind me. That caused me to turn too sharp to avoid him and that caused the scooter to start leaning to the left. With the cager behind me, all I thought about was getting out of his way and the scooter suddenly got heavier and heavier as gravity took over.
Down it went with my leg under it as I surrendered and took the fall. The cager stopped behind me and asked me if I was alright. He saw me after all. I told him I was alright and he then went on his way.
With the engine still running, I reached over and hit the "kill" switch, then grabbed the rear handle and lifted the bike back up.
Result: small scratch on the rear pannel and reflector, plus a scrape on my shin.