What with the threads on the dead crank and whatnot on the GT, and the totaled splines, etc...
I decided to fire up my bike post-cannonball work and I noticed it made a terrible noise on start up - but not on idle or with throttle.
The starter gear always has made a bit of a grinding noise, but this one takes longer, and is louder. I might actually go make an mp3 of it, but it's pretty terrible.
I tore apart the variator yet again and everything seemed seated well. The variator was as far as it could be back, etc. I did notice that there's this small cog that looks lik eit should connect with the teeth of the starter gear but don't, unless that cog spins out. I assume that's part of the starter - that when you hit the ignition that pushes out and spins against the starter gear and moves the crank, etc, then retracts when you stop pressing on the ignition. BUT, I can't be sure.
Nonetheless, the stupid thing makes this terrible loud noise, and it didn't before. Thoughts???