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Jeeze, between the fog and the dark on my way to work this morning I almost got hit between the eyes by a 2 X 4. I was rolling to a stop behind a Ford truck when I saw a 2 X 4 sticking straight out the back about 5 feet. All that he had was a tiny piece of yellow plastic ribbon tied to it. The 2 X 4 must have been 10 feet long to be sticking out of a 5 foot bed that far. My headlight shone about halfway up the tailgate of the truck so the 2 X 4 was totally in the dark so was I almost.
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@jimc avatar
The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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Nearly ouch!

Two tips, always ride behind a vehicle so you can see the driver's head in his side mirrors - this way he should be aware of your presence and you are clear of his rear. Also always leave at least a bike's length or more between you and the vehicle in front - this leaves an option of two escape routes if danger should appear from behind or the vehicle starts rolling back. It means you can see any road imperfections ahead as well.

Either of the above would have ensured you wouldn't have been in any danger from the 2x4 above.
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You don't have to tell me about that fog. They are treacherous.
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@bubbajon avatar
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jimc wrote:
Nearly ouch!

Two tips, always ride behind a vehicle so you can see the driver's head in his side mirrors - this way he should be aware of your presence and you are clear of his rear. Also always leave at least a bike's length or more between you and the vehicle in front - this leaves an option of two escape routes if danger should appear from behind or the vehicle starts rolling back. It means you can see any road imperfections ahead as well.

Either of the above would have ensured you wouldn't have been in any danger from the 2x4 above.
+1 - I thought I was going to have to use the inside turn lane for a minute last night - didn't think the truck coming up behind me was going to stop. Wouldn't have had that option if I wasn't back my standard bike length.

PS: if possible I always try to have my bike slightly pointed in my expected escape route direction. Makes it easier to jump and fly away.

MP3 500 Passion Red
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MP3 500 Passion Red
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Really really good advice JimC. I usually hang well back of the vehicle in front of me, but I never thought about being able to see the driver in the mirror of his vehicle. That is something I can use. Thank you!

Fog is tricky stuff, and makes depth perception a bit off. Thank goodness you are okay!
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