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i was recently involved in an accident on the gts and the dealership estimated about $4200 for repairs. the other person's insurance (who's paying for the repairs) decided to total loss the scooter so now they will probably offer the retail value of the scoot, which is $4360. i bought the scooter back in april for $5500 out the door and i still owe about $1500. i would appreciate if you guys gave me some opinions on what you think the outcome will be since i've never been involved in one of theses insurance situations.
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Hi purfeckt,
If you bought it new, and the accident was not your fault you have the right to request a like condition replacement vehicle.

They generally wil do what they can to get out of that because it takes alot of time and resources.
Worth a try anyway.
Hope you get it worked out.
Ride safe, Ride long.
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that sucks... i take it you didn't get GAP insurance? if you did get it it will cover the difference between what it's worth now and the price you actually paid for it.

good luck
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Re: i need some opinions
purfeckt wrote:
i was recently involved in an accident on the gts and the dealership estimated about $4200 for repairs. the other person's insurance (who's paying for the repairs) decided to total loss the scooter so now they will probably offer the retail value of the scoot, which is $4360. i bought the scooter back in april for $5500 out the door and i still owe about $1500. i would appreciate if you guys gave me some opinions on what you think the outcome will be since i've never been involved in one of theses insurance situations.
they could just hand you a check for the 4200 and say fix it.
you can try and hand them the sales paper from when you bought it and say I want the same scoot again and find one or pay this.
you can get a lawyer
what is your insurance co. doing to help you out?
@mainus_69 avatar

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@mainus_69 avatar
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If the accident was not your fault
if the accident was not your fault, and they refuse to repair or replace your bike, Tell their insurance company that if nothing is resolved in a timely manner they will be meeting in small claims court. I did that and got approx. 3k more than I estimated I was going to get. Small claims will get you a max of 5000 your insurance whould cover the remaining 500 plus pain and suffering and BAM!!!! Brand new vespa rolling out the dealers door.

Well, that is what I would do.
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
@old_as_dirt avatar
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Re: If the accident was not your fault
Mainus 69 wrote:
if the accident was not your fault, and they refuse to repair or replace your bike, Tell their insurance company that if nothing is resolved in a timely manner they will be meeting in small claims court. I did that and got approx. 3k more than I estimated I was going to get. Small claims will get you a max of 5000 your insurance whould cover the remaining 500 plus pain and suffering and BAM!!!! Brand new vespa rolling out the dealers door.

Well, that is what I would do.
thats a good idea also
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